
Suspense, which shows the fallback on top of previous content.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import suspenseOverlay from '';


Suspense, which shows the fallback on top of previous content.



import Suspense from 'suspense-overlay';

export default function App() {
  return <Suspense fallback="loading...">...</Suspense>;



Name Description
children As in React.Suspense
fallback As in React.Suspense


Name Default value Description
contained true Set false to show fullscreen overlay
containerComponent div Component that wraps everything
containerStyle { position: 'relative' } Styles for containerComponent
filter blur(4px) Style applied to the overlay
delay 100 Delay in ms before the visible overlay is shown
minDuration 500 Min duration in ms to show the overlay
root "#root" Query selector for application root (when contained is false)
wrapperComponent div Component that wraps the actual children
fallbackStyle (centered) Style for fallbackWrapperComponent
overlayComponent div Component for the overlay
fallbackWrapperComponent div Component that wraps the fallback element

see Fallback.js for more overrides and details.