
A simple svelte component that shows a rating from 0 to 5 with svg stars when passed a number.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import svelteStarRating from '';


Svelte Star Rating

What is this

A simple svelte component that shows a rating from 0 to 5 with svg stars. Just need to pass a number. No dependencies required.


As with any other node package in svelte:

npm install svelte-star-rating

But remember to install it as a dev dependency when using Sapper:

npm install svelte-star-rating --save-dev


The package exports a svelte component.

The component takes a number of props:

Prop Type Default Required Description
rating Number - Yes The rating. Any number from 0 to 5.0
config Object {} No Config options for the component. See below
style String - No CSS styles passed directly to the container component
id String - No DEPRECATED

About the id: DEPRECATED. It was required for multiple instaces of this component to work correctly in the same page. The component now generates its own unique ids. Not needed anymore, will be removed in the next major update.

About the config object:

Option Type Default Description
fullColor String '#ffcf00' The color for the filling of the stars
emptyColor String '#7f7f7f' The color for the empty parts of the stars
size Number 20 The size of the stars. Pass a number of pixels.
showText Boolean false Show the rating number next to the stars or not

About the style prop: It accepts a string of css styles, written as inline-css. It is passed directly, unchecked, to the main div as inline-css. Use it cautiously.

Be aware

  • Passing a rating higher than 5.0 or lower than 0.0 will throw an error.
  • The component is reactive since v1.3.0 (if rating value changes, the component will change the displayed rating).
  • Any css-valid color is accepted (hsl, hex, rgb, string, etc.).
  • Stars are 1:1 proportionate (width equals height, so both equal the size property).
  • If the rating number is shown, font size is half the star size or 16px, whatever is higher.


Use it as follows:


  import StarRating from 'svelte-star-rating';

<StarRating rating={3.35} />


Simple example of Svelte Star Rating

More advanced

  import StarRating from 'svelte-star-rating';
  const rating = 3.35;
  const config = {
    fullColor: '#f05',
    emptyColor: 'hsl(240, 80%, 85%)',
    size: 42,
    showText: true,
  const style = 'border: 1px solid firebrick;padding: 12px;';

<StarRating {rating} {config} {style} />


Advanced example of Svelte Star Rating


  • Write tests.
  • Check the user input rating and throw an error if not valid.
  • Improve styling of the rating number.
  • The component generates the unique id, no need to pass one.