
A Svelte component for rendering a dynamic table using tailwind

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import svelteTailwindTable from '';


Svelte Tailwind Table

The last Svelte Table library you will ever need. A Svelte component for rendering a dynamic table using tailwind CSS

Check out the demo

Key Features

  • Inbuilt SearchBar (Can be removed using props)
  • Most components are customizable
  • You can set onclick events/hyperlinks and more...
  • Customizable Pagination and Header Icons!
  • Sort and Filter
  • Custom icon column
  • Custom component data type
  • Interactive Rows with custom onclick events
  • Multiple themes (outlined, filled, borderless and more coming soon...)

What's new

  • Complete UI Refactor
  • Using latest design-system-svelte
  • Improved theme looks
  • New Icons
  • Code commenting for near future open sourcing

Coming soon!

  • Example Code used for the Demo

Check it out!

Demo GIF 👇(OLD -- Do checkout latest demo using the demo link)


Tailwind css in required for the table to be styled properly

npm install svelte-tailwind-table

Basic usage

  import Table from 'svelte-tailwind-table';

<Table colData={...} rowData={...}/>


Prop Name Data Type Default value
colData array example with all data types
rowData array example with 2 row values
theme string outline
showSearchBar boolean true
searchStyles string ""
searchText string ""
showFilter boolean true
filterButtonColor string "red"
showHeaderIcons boolean true
showHeaderOptions boolean true
headerEditable boolean true
borderBetweenColumns boolean true
numberAlign string "right"
allCenter boolean false
pagination boolean true
paginationRows number 10
currentPage number 1
paginationType string default
selectAllMenu boolean true
onClickFunction function ()={}
onRowClickFunction function ()={}
interactiveRows boolean false
interactiveRowColor string "gray"
activeRow number 0
rowBorderTouch boolean true
borderRadius text xl
numbersSmall boolean true
overrideClasses string ""


A 2-Dimensional array with the following properties:

colData = [
    ["Data type", {heading: "Column 1 heading", data:{...}}],
    ["Data type", {heading: "Column 2 heading", data:{...}}],

Refer to Datatypes for information regarding the data:{...}


A 2-Dimensional array with the following properties:

rowData = [
    [ //row 1
        {value: "The value", editable: true, href: "This is optional"},     //column 1 value
        {value: "The value", editable: true, href: "hyperlink for a cell"}, //column 2 value
    [ //row 2
        {value: "The value", editable: true}, //column 1 value
        {value: "The value", editable: true}, //column 2 value

Refer to Data Types for information regarding the The value


The theme of the table. outline or filled makes the header background color white or grey. borderless makes the table borderless and transparent.


A boolean value to determine if the default search bar is shown or not.


A string value to override the styling of the search bar.


A string value to set the searched text for the search bar.


A boolean value to determine if the default filter is shown or not.


A string value to set the color of the filter button.


A boolean value to determine if the header icons are shown or not.


A boolean value to determine if the header options are shown or not.


A boolean value to determine if the header is editable or not.


A boolean value to determine if the border between columns is shown or not.


A string value to set the alignment of the number column ("right" or "left").


A boolean value to determine if the cell values are centered or not.


A boolean value to determine if the pagination is done or not.


An integer value to set the number of rows per page.


An integer value to set the current page.


A string value to set the type of pagination. default or detailed - Detailed shows the number current showing data Theme of pagination is determined by the theme of the table.


A boolean value to determine if the select all box is shown or not.


A function to call when a cell is clicked on The function needs to be of format

function yourFunctionName(event, cellData, colIndex, rowIndex){
    // do anything using the params


A function to call when a row is clicked on (only if interactiveRows is set to true) The function needs to be of format

function yourFunctionName(event, rowIndex){
    // do anything using the params


A boolean value to determine if the rows are interactive or not.


A string value to set the color of the interactive rows on active and hover.


An integer value to set the active row. This is only used if interactiveRows is set to true.


A boolean value to determine if the row borders are touching the edges or are disconnected.


A string value to set the border radius of the table. One of "none", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", "2xl", "3xl", "4xl", "5xl", "6xl", "7xl", "full"


A boolean value to determine if the numbers are small or not. Makes the minimum width of the number column smaller or larger.


A string value to override the default classes.

Data Types

🌐 Global Options

data: {
    align: "right"/"left"/"center", //optional
    iconAlign: "right"/"left"/"center", //optional
    iconSvg: "svg as string for overriding default svg", //optional
    showIcon: true/false, //optional

📄 Text

data: {}
value: "The value"

✅ Checkbox

data: {checked: true}
value: boolean(false/true)

🔢 Number

data: {}
value: 123

🔽 Select

data: {
    options: [
        {text: "Option 1", color: "#c3c3c3"}, // color is optional
        {text: "Option 2", color: "#c4c4c4"}, // When not provided default grey color will be assigned
        {text: "Option 3", color: "#c5c5c5"},
value: {text: "Option 1", color: "#c3c3c3"}

⏬ Multiselect

data: {
    options: [
        {text: "Option 1"}, // color is optional here also
        {text: "Option 2"}, // When not provided default grey color will be assigned
        {text: "Option 3"},
value: [
    {text: "Option 1"},
    {text: "Option 2"}
] // make sure to use same object value as in options

🖼 Image

data: {}
value: [
    }, //image 1
    }, //image 2

📅 Date

data: {}
value: "2003-02-19"

🕒 Time

data: {}
value: "12:00"

⁝ Icon

data: {
    svg: `<svg></svg>`, // default row svg string
value: `<svg></svg>`/"" // override row svg string otherwise ""

The above svg overrides are for row data and not the default header icon. Use iconSvg prop for that

👨‍💻 Custom Component

data: {
    component: CustomComponent, // Custom Component directly from import
    defaultProps: { // props to pass to the component
        prop1: "value",
        prop2: "value"
value: {
    props: { // props to override default props
        prop1: "value", 
        prop2: "value"

To fire and use events on custom components, dispatch an event named as "event" from the component and use on:customEvent prop on Table component; The details passed on to the "event" dispatch will be e.detail.e for the Table listener


<!-- CustomComponent.svelte -->
    import {createEventDispatcher} from "svelte";
    const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
<div on:click={(e)=>{
    dispatch("event", {
        active: false
    <!-- ... -->
<!-- Main.svelte -->
<Table on:customEvent={(e)=>{
    console.log(e.detail.e) // logs {active: false}

Thank you so much checking out the package! 🙏

Hope you like it! 😇

Made with ❤️ by Priyav Kaneria

Contact me at LinkedIn or Github or