
Svelte component and action to format a timestamp using day.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import svelteTime from '';




Svelte component and action to format a timestamp using day.js

This utility wraps the date-time library day.js as a declarative Svelte component and action.

Use cases

  • format a timestamp using the semantic time element
  • display a human-readable, relative time (e.g., "4 days ago") while preserving the original timestamp

Sample output:

<time title="2021-10-06T16:11:39.563Z" datetime="2021-10-06T16:11:39.563Z">
  a few seconds ago

Try it in the Svelte REPL.



yarn add -D svelte-time


npm i -D svelte-time


pnpm i -D svelte-time


Time component

The displayed time defaults to new Date().toISOString() and is formatted as "MMM DD, YYYY".

  import Time from "svelte-time";

<Time />

The timestamp prop can be any of the following dayjs values: string | number | Date | Dayjs.

<Time timestamp="2020-02-01" />

<Time timestamp="{new Date()}" />

<Time timestamp="{1e10}" />

Use the format prop to format the timestamp. Refer to the dayjs format documentation for acceptable formats.

<Time timestamp="2020-02-01" format="dddd @ h:mm A · MMMM D, YYYY" />

<Time timestamp="{new Date()}" format="YYYY/MM/DD" />

<Time timestamp="{1e10}" format="ddd" />

Relative time

Set the relative prop value to true for the relative time displayed in a human-readable format.

<Time relative />

<Time relative timestamp="2021-02-02" />

<Time relative timestamp="{1e10}" />

Live updates

Set live to true for a live updating relative timestamp. The default refresh interval is 60 seconds.

<Time live relative />

To customize the interval, pass a value to live in milliseconds (ms).

<!-- Update every 30 seconds -->
<Time live="{30 * 1000}" relative />

<!-- Update every 10 minutes -->
<Time live="{10 * 60 * 1000}" relative />

svelteTime action

Use the svelteTime action to format a timestamp in a raw HTML element.

  import { svelteTime } from "svelte-time";

<time use:svelteTime />

    timestamp: "2021-02-02",
    format: "dddd @ h:mm A · MMMM D, YYYY",

    relative: true,
    timestamp: "2021-02-02",

Similar to the Time component, the live prop only works with relative time.

    live: true,
    relative: true,

Custom locale

Load a custom locale and set it as the default locale using the dayjs.locale API.

<script context="module">
  import "dayjs/esm/locale/de";
  import dayjs from "dayjs/esm";

  dayjs.locale("de"); // German locale

  import Time from "svelte-time";

<Time />

dayjs export

dayjs is re-exported for your convenience. This is useful when the component and action would not work for programmatic usage, like setting the document title.

Note: the exported dayjs function already extends the relativeTime plugin.

  import { dayjs } from "svelte-time";

<button on:click="{() => (document.title = dayjs().format('MMM DD, YYYY'))}"> Set title </button>



Name Type Default value
timestamp string | number | Date | Dayjs new Date().toISOString()
format string "MMM DD, YYYY" (See dayjs display format)
relative boolean false
live boolean | number false
formatted string ""


The examples folder contains sample set-ups.


Svelte version 3.31 or greater is required to use this component with TypeScript.

TypeScript definitions are located in the types folder.

