
Library to show Javascript objects in a nice tree layout. It's written in Svelte but since it compiles to pure JS it can be used anywhere (although to customize the rendered nodes you must Svelte).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import svelteTreeView from '';


svelte-tree-view version

Library to show Javascript objects in a nice tree layout. It's written in Svelte but since it compiles to pure JS it can be used anywhere (although to customize the rendered nodes you must Svelte).


npm i svelte-tree-view

Size: 18 kBs (no external dependencies)

How to use

NOTE: Since I'm a TypeScript fanboy I wrote this library in TS and therefore the "svelte" block in the package.json points to a index.ts file. This doesn't allow importing the project as .svelte files if your project uses JS which would I suppose make the development experience better (as you don't have to use the compiled version) but damn, I refuse to write this in JS. Also to import the library I noticed @wessberg/rollup-plugin-ts parser worked better than for example rollup-plugin-typescript2. Don't know the details but it was weird

You can import the library as:

import TreeView from 'svelte-tree-view'

And use it as:

    maxDepth: 12,
    mapChildren: mapDocDeltaChildren,
    shouldExpandNode: () => true


The full typings as copied from the source are:

export type ValueType =
  | 'array'
  | 'map'
  | 'set'
  | 'date'
  | 'object'
  | 'function'
  | 'string'
  | 'number'
  | 'bigint'
  | 'boolean'
  | 'symbol'
  | 'null'
  | 'undefined'

export interface ITreeNode {
  id: string // ID generated from the path to this node eg "[0,1,2]"
  index: number // index of this node in the parent object as its values are iterated
  key: string // key of this node eg "1" for an array key or "foo" for an object
  value: any // the value mapped to this key
  depth: number
  collapsed: boolean
  type: ValueType
  path: number[]
  parentId: string | null
  circularOfId: string | null // Circularity is checked by object identity to prevent recursing the same values again
  children: ITreeNode[]

export interface IBase16Theme {
  scheme?: string
  author?: string
  base00: string // Default Background
  base01: string // Lighter Background (Used for status bars, line number and folding marks)
  base02: string // Selection Background
  base03: string // Comments, Invisibles, Line Highlighting
  base04: string // Dark Foreground (Used for status bars)
  base05: string // Default Foreground, Caret, Delimiters, Operators
  base06: string // Light Foreground (Not often used)
  base07: string // Light Background (Not often used)
  base08: string // Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists, Diff Deleted
  base09: string // Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url
  base0A: string // Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background
  base0B: string // Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code, Diff Inserted
  base0C: string // Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Markup Quotes
  base0D: string // Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings
  base0E: string // Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic, Diff Changed
  base0F: string // Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags, e.g. <?php ?>

export type ValueComponent = SvelteComponentTyped<{
  value: any
  node: ITreeNode
  defaultFormatter?: (val: any) => string | undefined

export interface TreeViewProps {
  data: Object // Data can be basically any non-primitive value
  theme?: IBase16Theme
  showLogButton?: boolean
  showCopyButton?: boolean
  valueComponent?: ValueComponent // The Svelte component to replace the default value-as-string presentation
  recursionOpts?: TreeRecursionOpts
  valueFormatter?: (val: any, n: ITreeNode) => string | undefined // For custom formatting the value string

export interface TreeRecursionOpts {
  maxDepth?: number
  omitKeys?: string[] // Quick and dirty way to prevent recursing certain object keys instead of overriding shouldExpandNode
  stopCircularRecursion?: boolean // Stops recursing objects already recursed
  isCircularNode?: (n: ITreeNode, iteratedValues: Map<any, ITreeNode>) => boolean // For custom circularity detection magic
  shouldExpandNode?: (n: ITreeNode) => boolean // Will auto-expand or collapse values as data is provided
  mapChildren?: (val: any, type: ValueType, parent: ITreeNode) => [string, any][] | undefined // For customizing the created key-value pairs

export class TreeView extends SvelteComponentTyped<TreeViewProps> {}
export default TreeView


This library uses base16 theming, similar to react-json-tree. So basically instead of theming each type (string, number, undefined etc) separately, you use the same color for all similar values. Here's a repo that might explain it better

The current default theme is the example monokai theme from react-json-tree with changed background color. You can define your own theme or use one from for example here

To use a theme, you can either provide an object or set CSS variables (recommended).

So either

const theme = {
  scheme: 'google',
  author: 'seth wright (',
  base00: '#1d1f21',
  base01: '#282a2e',
  base02: '#373b41',
  base03: '#969896',
  base04: '#b4b7b4',
  base05: '#c5c8c6',
  base06: '#e0e0e0',
  base07: '#ffffff',
  base08: '#CC342B',
  base09: '#F96A38',
  base0A: '#FBA922',
  base0B: '#198844',
  base0C: '#3971ED',
  base0D: '#3971ED',
  base0E: '#A36AC7',
  base0F: '#3971ED'
<TreeView theme={theme} />


:root {
  --tree-view-base00: #1d1f21;
  --tree-view-base01: #282a2e;
  --tree-view-base02: #373b41;
  --tree-view-base03: #969896;
  --tree-view-base04: #b4b7b4;
  --tree-view-base05: #c5c8c6;
  --tree-view-base06: #e0e0e0;
  --tree-view-base07: #ffffff;
  --tree-view-base08: #CC342B;
  --tree-view-base09: #F96A38;
  --tree-view-base0A: #FBA922;
  --tree-view-base0B: #198844;
  --tree-view-base0C: #3971ED;
  --tree-view-base0D: #3971ED;
  --tree-view-base0E: #A36AC7;
  --tree-view-base0F: #3971ED;


How to develop locally

You must have yarn installed globally.

  1. yarn
  2. yarn start

This should start the Rollup compiler for the source code and launch the SvelteKit example site at http://localhost:3000.

Similar libraries

While this library was basically written from scratch, its UI and API borrows from some existing libraries.


PRs & issues are welcome!