
This is the new svite for vite2. It is still a work in progress. Feedback is welcome

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import svite from '';



This is the new svite for vite2. It is still a work in progress. Feedback is welcome

Currently there is only one command for the cli to create new projects from templates. Unlike svite 0.8, it does not initialize git or install anything

get started

npx svite create my-svite-project
cd my-svite-project
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build


svite --help
svite create --help
svite create my-svite-project

svite create

  $ svite create [targetDir]

  --t, --template <string>  template for new project. ["minimal","routify-mdsvex","windicss","preprocess-auto"] (default: minimal)
  --ts, --typescript        enable typescript support for svelte (default: false)
  -f, --force               force operation even if targetDir exists and is not empty (default: false)
  -d, --debug               more verbose logging (default: false)
  -h, --help                Display this message
  -v, --version             Display version number

Migration from 0.8

  • install vite@2 and @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte
  • Update or add vite.config.js
    • use the pattern described in the readme of the new vite-plugin-svelte
    • remove old svite options
    • read vite2 documentation on
    • add any svelte library you use to optimizeDeps.exclude=[] in vite.config.js
  • remove svite from dependencies
  • update package.json scripts to use vite dev and vite build instead of svite dev and svite build

TODO more docs