
Convert classes to swagger documentation using NestJs decorators

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import swaggerControls from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/swagger-controls';



Convert classes into Swagger documentation by using NestJs decorators but without the full commitment to the NestJs modular setup.

🔧 Use this tool when full NestJs adoption is too steep of a curve for your team or project. Use swagger-controls when you know you want those great swagger documentation decorators but your project still needs to maintain an Express middleware like approach.

Is this a replacement for NestJs?

Nope. This library simply uses NestJs decorative functionality to assist in generating Swagger files. If anything, this package sets a project up for potential future NestJs adoption.


This project has all the dependencies you need to make robust swagger documentations

npm install swagger-controls @nestjs/platform-express @nestjs/common @nestjs/core @nestjs/swagger reflect-metadata


In this example there are 3 files involved in an Express app generating Swagger docs by decorating classes. Those three files are generate-swagger.ts, index.ts, and controllers.ts

generate-swagger.ts - creates swagger.json file

import swaggerJsonByControls from 'swagger-controls';
import { controllers } from './controllers'

swaggerJsonByControls(controllers, {
  filePath: `${__dirname}/swagger.json`

index.ts - Creates Express app

import { HealthCheck } from './controllers'
import express from 'express'

export const app = express()

app.get('/v1/health-check', new HealthCheck().get)


import { ApiOperation, ApiProperty, ApiResponse } from '@nestjs/swagger'
import { Controller, Get, HttpStatus } from '@nestjs/common'

export class HealthCheck {
    summary: 'Check on the status or health of API',
    description: 'Acts as a ping and a status indicator of accessible services',
    status: HttpStatus.OK, type: HealthOutput,
    description: 'Very basic connectivity report',
    status: HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, type: HealthOutput,
    description: 'Connection to additional services is in an invalid state',
  get(req: Express.Request, res: Express.Response): HealthOutput {
    return res.json( new HealthOutput() ) // respond

/** Response to /v1/health-check calls */
class HealthOutput {
    example: 'ok',
    description: 'Basic indicator value of api is active'
  status: 'ok' = 'ok'

    example: 'ok',
    description: 'Connective state to database. Static value for now'
  db: 'ok' = 'ok'

export const controllers = [ HealthCheck ]


Control nuances of the swagger.json generation

interface Options {
  filePath?: string
  servers?: string | ServerObject[] // url dropdown select of servers

  deepScanRoutes?: boolean
  ignoreGlobalPrefix?: boolean

  title?: string
  description?: string
  externalDoc?: [string, string] // [title, url]
  version?: string

/** Example */

import { version, description, name } from '../package.json'
import swaggerJsonByControls from 'swagger-controls'
import { controllers } from './controllers'

const options: Options = {
  version, description, title: name,
  filePath: `${__dirname}/swagger.json`

swaggerJsonByControls(controllers, options) // generate swagger.json

Learn more

❤️ This was crafted out of love for my homey who could use a better approach but not the whole Nest with it. _Acker