
Table with virtual scroll and infinite scroll

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tablevscroll from '';


Table with virtual scroll and infinite scroll


This table has advanced functionality

Written in pure javascript

Easy integration into various frameworks (React, Vue, Angular, LWC)

Easy integration into Salesforce


  • virtual scroll
  • infinite scroll
  • filters
  • sorting
  • row selection
  • multi select
  • loader
  • js size: 11.5 kB
  • css size: 1.6 kB


npm i tablevscroll -S

Create table:

    const vtable = new vTable(config);


    const config = {
        node: domElement,
        numberOfVisibleRows: 10,
        rowHeight: 32,
        header: header,
        multiSelect: true,
        noDataText: 'text string or html string',
        footer: {
            height: 32,
            content: 'text string or html string'
        loading: 'text string or html string',
        onRowClick: function(row, RowIndex, selected) {},
        onRowDblClick: function(row, RowIndex, selected) {},
        next: function(lastRow) {},
        data: []
Config parameters:
  • config.node - optional, type HTMLElement, html dom element const el = document.getElementById("TEST");.
  • config.numberOfVisibleRows - required, type Integer, number of visible rows.
  • config.rowHeight - required, type Integer, height of row.
  • config.header - required, type Object, complex type. See below.
  • config.multiSelect - optional, type Boolean, if true - you can select many rows. By default false.
  • config.noDataText - optional, type String, you can paste string your text or html string <div style="color:red"> your text </div>. This text will appear when table is empty. The text is There is no data by default.
  • config.loading - optional, type String, you can paste string your text or html string <div style="color:red"> your text </div>. This text will appear when you call the method vtable.loadingStart(). The text is Loading... by default .
  • config.footer - optional, type Object, footer definition.
  • config.footer.height - optional, type Integer, footer height.
  • config.footer.content - optional, type String, footer content. You can paste string your text or html string <div style="color:red"> your text </div>.
  • config.onRowClick - optional, type Function, row click event. row - selected row object, RowIndex - Integer, selected row index, selected - Boolean, used with config.multiSelect
  • config.onRowDblClick - optional, type Function, row double click event. row - selected row object, RowIndex - Integer, selected row index, selected - Boolean, used with config.multiSelect
  • - optional, type Function, scroll end event. If you want to implement infinite scroll you need to use this event. lastRow - last row object.
  • data - optional, type Array, data for table.
Config Header config.header:
    const header = [
        key: 'KeyFromData',
        title: '№',
        width: '7%',
        filter: true,
        sort: true,
        template: (row, RowIndex) => {
            if (row.number % 2 !== 0) {
                return `<div style="color: red">${row._vTableId}<div>`
            } else {
                return row._vTableId;
        key: 'ClassName__c',
        title: 'ClassName',
        width: '20%',
        filter: true,
        key: 'requestTime',
        title: 'Time',
        width: '15%',
        sort: true,
        filter: true,
Config Header parameters:
  • key - required, type String. The key from your data that you want to display.
  • title - optional, type String. Table header cell content. You can paste string your text or html string <div style="color:red"> your text </div>.
  • width - optional, type String. Table column width. Yuo can use px or %.
  • sort - optional, type Boolean. Sorting option. By default false.
  • filter - optional, type Boolean. Filter option. By default false.
  • template - optional, type Function. Cell template. row - row object, RowIndex - row index. Return string or string with html.

Table Api

    const vtable = new vTable(config);

    const el = document.getElementById("TEST");
    const data = [{test1: 1, test2: 2 ....}, ....];

    vtable.init(el, data);

    const rowCount = vtable.getRowCount();


    const arrOfTableData = vtable.selectAll();


    vtable.setFooterContent('row count: ' + vtable.getRowCount());


  • vtable.init(el, data) - if you didn't define config.node you can use this method to initialize table.
  • vtable.getRowCount() - return number of visible rows.
  • vtable.setData(data) - set data to the table.
  • vtable.addData(data) - add data to the table.
  • vtable.selectAll() - select all visible data in the table and return selected data.
  • vtable.removeSelection() - remove all selection in the table.
  • vtable.loadingStart() - show the loader.
  • vtable.loadingStop() - hide the loader.
  • vtable.setFooterContent('String') - set footer content. You can set string your text or html string <div style="color:red"> your text </div>.
  • vtable.reRender() - re-render the table.
  • vtable.destroy() - destroy the table.

Vue.js example:

    <div ref="vTable"></div>

import vTable from 'tablevscroll';
import 'tablevscroll/table.min.css';

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            vTable: null,
            vTablelData: [],
    async mounted() {
        this.vTable = new vTable({
            node: this.$refs.vTable,


        this.vTabelData = await getData();





This table is very easy to use in LWC.
If you want to use this table in LWC you need:

  • Copy table.js and past it into your LWC component
  • Copy all styles from tableSalesforce.css and past them into the LWC style component file
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import vTable from './table';

export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {

    renderedCallback() {
        this.tableElement = this.template.querySelector('.tableElement');
        if (this.tableElement && !this.vtable) {
            this.vtable = new vTable(config);

