
tally.aginn.tech api implementation for node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tallyAginnTechApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tally.aginn.tech-api';



Node module for https://tally.aginn.tech

Related Links:

Tally Web Service: https://tally.aginn.tech
Tally API Documentation: https://tally.aginn.tech/api
Client Side Example: Source Code
Server Side Example: Source Code
Electron Application for use with ATEM Switchers (Mac OS/Windows/Linux): Source Code | Packaged


npm install tally.aginn.tech-api --save


const Tally  =  require("tally.aginn.tech-api");
const ts =  new  Tally();

A new tally server instance will be created and kept alive while the node server is running.


setInterval(() => {
}, 5000); //check every 5 seconds

Use this to initiate a latency and server processing time check. Data will be returned on the "latency" event


ts.on("connected", (data) => {
     console.log(data); //tally server id
 ts.on("disconnected", (data) => {
     console.log("disconnected: "  +  data); //reason disconnected if one
 ts.on("latency", (data) => {
     console.log(data); //{"processing_time": 0, "latency": 100} in ms
 ts.on("tally", (data) => {
     console.log(data); //an array of length 30 (tally busses)
                         //each tally bus contains a cam #
 ts.on("server", (data) => {
     console.log(data); //server information including colors and demo mode

Update Tally

var tBus = 0; //program bus 1 in tally.aginn.tech implmentation OR whatever you want it to be
var cam = 1; //cam #
ts.updateTally(tBus, cam);

Use to send tally information to the server.

Update Colors

var pgm = "#FF3333"; 
var pre = "#FCFF33";
var iso = "#3394FF";
var safe = "#33FF4C";

ts.updateColors(pgm, pre, iso, safe);

Use to update colors that represent possible tally states on tally.aginn.tech. Colors must be 6 char hex value.