
Ultimate Cordova Plugin for Tapsell Plus to monetize hybrid apps. Show mobile Ad with single line of JavaScript. Compatible with Cordova CLI, PhoneGap Build, Ionic, etc.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tapsellPlusCordovaPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tapsell-plus-cordova-plugin';


Tapsell Plus Plugin

Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin for Tapsell Plus.


  1. Description
  2. Features
  3. Demo
  4. Quick Start
  5. Installation
  6. Usage
  7. API
  8. Wiki and Docs
  9. Screenshots
  10. License
  11. Credits


This Cordova / PhoneGap plugin enables displaying mobile Ads with single line of javascript code. Designed for the use in HTML5-based cross-platform hybrid games and other applications.


Platforms supported:

  • Amazon-FireOS, via Android SDK (part of Google Play service)
  • Android, via Android SDK (part of Google Play service)
  • iOS
  • Windows Phone

Ad Types:

  • Banner
  • Interstitial (picture, video), highly recommended. :fire:
  • Reward Video, highly recommended. :fire:
  • Native Ads (on roadmap)
  • Native Ads Advanced (on roadmap)

Quick Demo

Wanna quickly see the mobile ad on your simulator or device? Try the following commands.

    # install cordova CLI
    [sudo] npm install cordova -g

    # install a small utility to run all the commands for you
    [sudo] npm install plugin-verify -g

    # Demo: run tapsell plus demo with sample index.html
    plugin-verify tapsell-plus-cordova-plugin

Quick start

    # create a demo project
    cordova create test1 com.miladesign.tapsellplus Test1
    cd test1
    cordova platform add android

    # now add the plugin, cordova CLI will handle dependency automatically
    cordova plugin add tapsell-plus-cordova-plugin

    # now remove the default www content, copy the demo html file to www
    rm -r www/*;
    cp plugins/tapsell-plus-cordova-plugin/test/* www/;

    # now build and run the demo in your device or emulator
    cordova prepare; 
    cordova run android;
    # or import into eclipse


  • If use with Cordova CLI:
cordova plugin add tapsell-plus-cordova-plugin
  • If use with PhoneGap Build:
<plugin name="tapsell-plus-cordova-plugin" source="npm"></plugin>


  • If build locally using tapsell-plus-cordova-plugin, to avoid build error, you need install some extras in Android SDK manager (type android sdk to launch it): android extra


Show Mobile Ad with single line of javascript code.

Step 1: Create new application, in Tapsell portal, then write it in your javascript code.


Step 2: Want cheap and basic banner? single line of javascript code.

// it will display small banner at top center, using the default options
TapsellPlus.createBanner(zoneId, TapsellPlus.AD_POSITION.TOP_CENTER, TapsellPlus.AD_SIZE.BANNER_320x50);

Step 3: Want interstitial Ad to earn more money ? Easy, 2 lines of code.

// preppare and load ad resource in background, e.g. at begining of game level

// show the interstitial later, e.g. at end of game level

Step 4: Want rewarded video Ad to earn more money ? Easy, 2 lines of code.

// preppare and load ad resource in background, e.g. at begining of game level

// show the interstitial later, e.g. at end of game level



// initialize plugin

// use banner
createBanner(zoneId, position, size);
createBannerAtXY(zoneId, x, y, size);

// use interstitial

// use rewarded video


// response (on Ad Available)
// error (on NoAd Available)
// onError
// onOpened
// onClosed
// onRewarded
document.addEventListener('response', function(e){
    var data = e.detail || e.data || e;
    responseId = data.responseId;
    consoleLog("response. adType: " + data.adType);

Wiki and Docs

Quick start, simply copy & paste:

API Reference:

Other Documentations:


Android Banner Android Interstitial Android Rewarded Video
ScreenShot ScreenShot ScreenShot


You can use the plugin for free, or you can also pay to get a license. IMPORTANT!!! Before using the plugin, please read the following content and accept the agreement. THIS WILL AVOID POTENTIAL PROBLEM AND DISPUTE.

There are 3 license options, fully up to you:

  1. Free and Open Source, no support
  2. Commercial, with email/skype support
  3. Win-win partnership, with forum support


This project is created and maintained by Milad Mohammadi Rezagah.

More Cordova/PhoneGap plugins by Milad Mohammadi Rezagah, find them in plugin registry, or find them in npm.

Project outsourcing and consulting service is also available. Please contact us if you have the business needs.