
A teambition analysis toolkit

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import teambitionGta from '';


Analysis Tool for Teambition


First, use Bower to install GTA:

bower install gta

or with NPM:

npm install --save teambition/gta

Then, include the following script in your HTML and you are ready to go:

<script id="gta-main"

Set User ID

gta.setUser(id, user)

Register Property

gta.registerProperty(key, value)
gta.registerPersistentProperty(key, value)

All registered properties would be mixed with every events util unregister. General properties last in session level, but persistent property stores in cookie under user's namespace.

Register Provider

gta.registerProvider(ProviderCtor, params)

Params could be omitted when params is provided during the initialize (in options or #gta-main).

Register Plugin

gta.registerPlugin(PluginCtor, params)

A plugin cloudn't be unregistered now, returns plugin instance.

Set Current Page

// Set the current page, default value of the 'page' field while invoking
gta.setCurrentPage('Home Page')

Page View

Call the pageview function to record a new page view:

// Use single object
    'page': '/my-overridden-page?id=1',
    'title': 'my overridden page'

// Use multiple string
gta.pageview('/api/hello', '?world');


  1. data-gta property in DOM element use similar key-value format ({"key": "value"}) like JSON, and quota could be omitted.
  2. Colon, comma and quota cannot be used in key and value.

You can set current page page, it will be automatically added to the gtaOptions:

// It is usually called when the route change
gta.setCurrentPage('Tasks Page')

You can call the event function to track an event:

gta.event({action: 'add content', page: 'Project Page', type: 'task', control: 'tasks layout', method: 'double-click'})

either add data-gta='event' to a DOM element as:

<button data-gta="{action: 'add content', page: 'Project Page', type: 'task', control: 'tasks layout', method: 'double-click'}">click</button>

To log gta event into console automatically, you can set the 'debug' mode:

gta.debug = true
window._gta_debug = true

API Documentations

Change Log


  1. Migrate to typescript
  2. New provider: APlus.js
  3. New local cookie stroage provides persistence preference and userdata storage
  4. Drop support for tbtracking, baidu analytics,, fullstory, and sensorsdata
  5. TBPanel has it's lite version
  6. data-random-proportion is not supported anymore
  7. Other data-* properties will passthough to provider directly
  8. API arguments change: setUser, registerProvider and registerPlugin