
Lightweight teamspeak server query which prints the response as javascript object

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import teamspeakServerQuery from '';


Teamspeak Server Query

A simple and lightweight server query for a teamspeak 3 server

const serverquery = require('teamspeak-server-query')
const ts3 = new serverquery()

ts3.connect({host: '', port: '10011'})
  .then(() => ts3.login({client_login_name: 'serveradmin', client_login_password: 'XXX'}))
  .then(() => ts3.use({sid: 1}))
  .then(() => ts3.clientdblist())
  .then(response => {
    let clients = response

      [ { cldbid: '2',
      client_unique_identifier: 'odJYAh+ZlPblMwy6RebOCSg9/y0=',
      client_nickname: 'TeamSpeakUser',
      client_created: '1555355453',
      client_lastconnected: '1556716574',
      client_totalconnections: '20',
      client_description: null,
      client_lastip: '',
      client_login_name: null },
    { cldbid: '3',
      client_unique_identifier: 'ServerQuery',
      client_nickname: 'ServerQuery Guest',
      client_created: '1555355453',
      client_lastconnected: '1555355453',
      client_totalconnections: '0',
      client_description: null,
      client_lastip: null,
      client_login_name: null },
    { cldbid: '4',
      client_unique_identifier: 'GSgJBYEL0YD9yd3w3PxM2TkYH4Y=',
      client_nickname: 'Gast01',
      client_created: '1556314829',
      client_lastconnected: '1556314829',
      client_totalconnections: '1',
      client_description: null,
      client_lastip: '',
      client_login_name: null } ]
  .then(() => ts3.quit())
  .catch(err => console.log(err))


Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install teamspeak-server-query

How it works

All available query commands can be called as a method. The paramters are represented as an object.

ts3.servergroupadd({name: 'Super Bros'}) // => "servergroupadd name=Super\sBros"

The methods always return the first response from the server query as an array.

let response = await ts3.servergroupadd({name: 'SuperBros'})

console.log(response) // [ { sgid: '20' } ]
let response = await ts3.servergrouprename({
  sgid: 21,
  name: 'My New Awesome Name'

console.log(response) // [ { error: null, id: '0', msg: 'ok' } ]

If the query returns an error, the response contains the error. Simple as that.

await ts3.servergroupadd({name: 'Buddies'})
let response = await ts3.servergroupadd({name: 'Buddies'})

console.log(response) // [ { error: null, id: '1282', msg: 'database duplicate entry' } ]

Event Listeners

Name Description
'close' Emitted when the connection to server gets closed.
'notify' Emitted when a server notification is send by the server.


Using Async Await

const serverquery = require('teamspeak-server-query')
const ts3 = new serverquery()

let params = {
  host: '',
  port: 10011

let queryStuff = async () => {
  try {
    await ts3.connect(params)

    await ts3.login({
      client_login_name: 'serveradmin',
      client_login_password: 'XYZ'

    await ts3.use({
      sid: 1

    let clients = await ts3.clientdblist()


    await ts3.quit()
  } catch(err) {


Listen on server notifications

ts3.on('notify', data => {

await ts3.servernotifyregister({
  id: 0,
  event: 'channel'

Quit the Connection

... as you would do it in the telnet session.


Built With


  • Jonathan Francke