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Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tempConddAppCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/temp-condd-app-core';



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To start project in the project directory, you can run:

npm i
npm run start

Available Scripts

Command Description
start Runs app as a MF
start:ci Run app in dev mode without fast refresh. Mostly uses for cypress tests
lint Lint all js & ts & scss files
lint:fix Fix list errors on ./src folder
mf-config Downloads MF config file
ts-config Recompiles TS config.
test Watch tests changes
test:ci Run tests once, create SonarQube reports
cypress:open Opens Cypress app for local development
cypress:run Runs Cypress tests in headless mode
cypress:ci Runs Cypress tests in CI env (not ready yet)
build Runs production build for MF
deploy Run linter, tests and production build
storybook Runs storybook
build-storybook Builds storybook
styleguidist Runs styleguidist
build-styleguidist Builds styleguidist


To connect local MF runnig in another port add <mf-name>=http://localhost:<port> to .env.local file


Dev server port

To setup dev server port add DEV_SERVER_PORT to .env.local file


Storybook and styleguidist

You can use Storybook and|or styleguidist to document your components. There is an issue that Storybook does not works with MF. So in case you need to create a component that will use MF, then, probably, you might need to use styleguidist. By default this project will generate components documentation using Storybook in deploy command. You can change it to styleguidist or even use both of them.

Code Style

The project setup with common Conductor's eslint rules.


Jest and React-testing-library used for testing. Some files are ignored:

Cypress Tests

To write Cypress tests you need to start the app in dev mode

npm run start:ci

Then open Cypress app by

npm run cypress:open

Pick a test file you're working on and launch it. Now you can easily alter or add new tests. Note that u can use Cypress and Jest tests in parallel. Both test reports will merge together to generate total coverage report.

Git Hooks

Husky used to prevent bad git commit and git push.

  • Eslint validates and formats ts/js files regards the rules
  • Stylelint validates and formats css files regards the rules

Proxy for API requests

This project provides an ability to use a proxy during development to get any API requests working without running the monolith locally.

To use it you should:

  • Launch ODSL using Spinnaker
  • Obtain a URL to launched ODSL
  • Add .env.local file with the following contents:

Please note, that proxy will only work until your ODSL env is running. After that you'll have to start new ODSL with the same "Stack Name" or update .env.local to point to new URL.