
Tool for sending templated mail

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import templatedMail from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/templated-mail';


Templated email

Easy development/support and using email templates.

Supports for other template engines

Base usage

var Mailer = require('templated-mail');
var TemplateProvider = require('templated-mail/providers/template/handlebars');

var mailer = new Mailer(new TemplateProvider(), {
  host: 'smtp.example.com',
  secure: true,
  port: 465,
  auth: {
    user: 'login',
    pass: 'AwesomePassword'

    from: 'sender@example.com',
    to: 'receiver@example.com',
    subject: 'Very important'
  }, 'template_name', {foo: 'bar'})
  .then(function(out) {
    // action on success
    // `out` = response of server on your request
    // maybe `out` contains info by error or description some troubles which block sending or receiving message for receiver
  .catch(function(err) {
    // ...

Setting helpers

var options = {
  helpers: [Math.round] // helper with name `round`

var mailer = new Mailer(new TemplateProvider(options), {
  host: 'smtp.example.com',
  secure: true,
  port: 465,
  auth: {
    user: 'login',
    pass: 'AwesomePassword'

Function name is name of helper. You can define by named function. If you use ECMAScript 5 or older version you can use some polyfill (or hook) for Function.name property or upgrade nodejs version :)

Setting templates

You can redefine function (setHTMLTemplateGetter and setTextTemplateGetter) for determine location requested template. If function for text template is not defined it will be taken stringified html template (without tags).

By default template path is relative by project "template".

Usage example:

Structure of your paths for templates:
 └─ home
  └─ user
   └─ templates
    └─ ${name}
     └─ ${lang}.html.hbs

var templatePath = '/home/user/templates';
var options = {
  getHTMLtemplate(template) {
    return `${templatePath}/${template.name}/${template.lang}.html.hbs`;

var mailer = new Mailer(new TemplateProvider(options), {
  host: 'smtp.example.com',
  secure: true,
  port: 465,
  auth: {
    user: 'login',
    pass: 'AwesomePassword'

Command for test

node index.test.js --host=smtp.example.com --login=me@example.com --password=AwesomePassword --to=test@example.com --from=me@example.com
# or short version
node index.test.js -H smtp.example.com -L me@example.com -P AwesomePassword -T test@example.com -F me@example.com