
CLI utility for ten-hands browser version. Visit https://tenhands.app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tenHandsCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ten-hands-cli';


Ten Hands

Ten Hands is a command-line task organizing tool. It is built to improve developer productivity by reducing command-line usage to run repeating tasks.

It is free and open source (MIT Licensed) 🙂

This NPM package is utility to run Ten Hands in browser without a desktop app. Please check Ten Hands Website and GitHub for details about the desktop app and the differences to desktop app. Desktop app is a little bit more featured.


  1. Install globally

npm install --global ten-hands-cli

  1. Start app

ten-hands start

  1. Open your browser with localhost address & port shown on output.


  1. Check ~/.ten-hands/config.json to update port.
    port: 5010        // 5010 is default


MIT - @saisandeepvaddi