
tenant-mongo (next [tenantmongo](https://github.com/debitoor/tenantmongo)) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mujichOk/tenant-mongo.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mujichOk/tenant-mongo) ===========

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tenantMongo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tenant-mongo';


tenant-mongo (next tenantmongo) Build Status

tenant-mongo, is a small layer on top of the mongodb native driver for node.js. It adds the following features

  • All documents stored will get a created timestamp
  • All documents modified will get a lastModified timestamp
  • Multi tenancy: One collection can be split up into completely isolated documents for each tenant, while still only having one underlying physical MongoDB collection
  • Safe deletion of documents (adding _deleted property instead of phisically remove document from collection)

Currently supported versions of MongoDB: 3.x, 4.x


Just include tenant-mongo package instead of mongodb

const { MongoClient, ObjectID } = require("tenant-mongo");


You can specify current tenant options for db globaly or localy per collection

    const client = await MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/my-tenant-db').connect();
    const dataBase = client.db().setTenant({ tenant: 'myGlobalTenant', collections: ['collection1', 'collection2'] });

    const collection1 = dataBase.collection('collection1'); // collection with global tenant
    const collection2 = dataBase.collection('collection2').setTenant('myLocalTenant'); // collection with overrided tenant
    const collection3 = dataBase.collection('collection3'); // regular mongodb collection

Soft delete

tenant-mongo soft deletes all documents. It just sets _deleted: new Date() instead of deleting. And it adds _deleted: {$exists: false} to all queries.

To bypass the softDelete on deleting or quering data you can do like this:

    const client = await MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/my-tenant-db').connect();
    const dataBase = client.db().setTenant({ tenant: 'myGlobalTenant', collections: ['collection1', 'collection2'] });

    const collection1 = dataBase.collection('collection1').setDeletionMode('hard'); // collection with 'hard' deletion mode

    collection1.remove({ }, callback); //will find all documents including soft-deleted documents


Currently not supported default arguments for following collection method:

  • find
  • remove
  • aggregate

so, if you going to skip query|selector or pipeline params it will not work correctly.