
Find out which web browsers recognize Byte Order Marks in XMLHttpRequest.responseText with which XMLHttpRequest.overrideMimeType argument.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import testBrowserCharsets from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/test-browser-charsets';



This is a subproject of httpinvoke. It is a web developers' tool.

Helps find out which web browsers recognize Byte Order Marks in XMLHttpRequest.responseText with which XMLHttpRequest.overrideMimeType argument. Shows which byte-order marks were forcibly recognized - files with that BOM byte sequence will have mangled XMLHttpRequest.responseText. Those files are forcibly interpreted as text files, thus you will not be able to download them as binary files. This is irrelevant to Internet Explorer, because it has XMLHttpRequest.responseBody and also the browsers which implement the XMLHttpRequest2.

It is a client-server webapp. Server is implemented using just without any dependencies. Client is plain JavaScript.


No dependencies are needed, except a working installation of NodeJS. Tested on v0.10.x.



  • Firefox-based browsers have some charsets that make the BOM ignored: x-user-defined, ibm866, iso-8859-2, etc.
  • WebKit-based browsers always parse the BOM.