
simple pure node http server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import testFakeServer2 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/test-fake-server-2';



  • Build simple fake server with routing, query, assert request bodies etc
  • GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, supported methods, custom response status, if you need large response - can read it from JSON file
  • Or run static

npm downloads


npm install -SD test-fake-server || npm i -g test-fake-server

If serve static run 'test-fake-serve 5678' in dir where index.html

Or in package.json file

 "scripts": {
       "dev": "test-fake-server" 
npm run dev 5678 #port

Base example

const FakeServer = require('test-fake-server');

const fakeServer = new FakeServer(8085)
  path: '/foo',
  successStatus: 200,
  errorStatus: 401,
  errorResponse: { error: 'ERROR' },
  queryAndBodyResponse: { foo: 'foo' },
  assertQueryAndBody: true,
  requestBody: { a: 'a' },
  requestQuery: 'a=b&c=d'

fakeServer.get({ path: '/bar', response: { bar: 'bar' } });

//curl -d '{"a": "a"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8085/foo?a=b&c=d
//output {"foo":"foo"}
//curl -d '{"a": "a"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8085/foo
//output {"error":"ERROR"}

//bar with base args every time will get {"bar": "bar"}
//curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8085/bar
//output {"bar": "bar"}
//curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8085/bar?foo=bar
//output {"bar": "bar"}

setTimeout(() => {
  const fooCallResult = fakeServer.getPostResult('/foo');
   * fooCallResult type object
   * props: {
   *  called: bool 
   *  callCount: number
   *  method: string
   *  calledWithArgs: func   
   * }
  fooCallResult.calledWithArgs({ a: 'a' }); //true
  fooCallResult.calledWithArgs([{ a: 'a' }, { a: 'a' }]); //true
  fooCallResult.calledWithArgs([{ a: 'a' }, { a: 'a' }, { b: 'b' }]); //false
}, 20000);
methods args
constructor(port, responseFormat) port, any or number, default is 4000 , string 'text' or 'json' (default json)
get(argObj) argObj
post(argObj) argObj
del(argObj) argObj
put(argObj) argObj
start() any args
getDelResult(path) path: string example '/foo', return calledActionObject, if server don`t have action, for this path return warning string
getPutResult(path) path: string example '/foo', return calledActionObject ,if server dont have action for this path return warning string
getGetResult(path) path: string example '/foo', return calledActionObject ,if server dont have action for this path return warning string
getPostResult(path) path: string example '/foo', return calledActionObject ,if server dont have action for this pathreturn warning string
stop() stop server, but you can find calls
restore() back server to initial state (clear all pathes, args etc)
calledWithArg(arg) called from result of action, arg object or array return true if you call this path with arg or args


  calledActionObject = {
   called: bool // true if rout with method is called
   callCount: number // default 0, ++ after call
   method: string // one of 'POST', 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'
   calledWithArgs: func 


const argObf = {
  path: string, // `/foo` or `foo`
  response: object, //response if success call to route 
  errorResponse: object, //error response if not success call to route
  requestBody: object, //needed if we shoul assert entered request body
  assertQuery: bool, // if we want assert request query
  assertRequestBody: bool, //if true will assert 'requestBody' prop with internal request body
  assertQueryAndBody: bool, //if true will assert 'requestBody' and 'requestQuery' props whit internal request if true, will return response or 'queryAndBodyResponse' if it present
  errorStatus: number, // error status what will be returned in error case, default 400
  successStatus: number // success status what will be returned in success case , default 200

  /*errorResponse, requestBody, assertRequestBody, assertQuery, assertQueryAndBody, errorStatus, successStatus - are optional props
  for more examples take a look examples or specs/*


Improvement plan

  • Stop FakeServer
  • Mock request for any url (partly) (make for http, and https)
  • Add custom statuses
  • Read response fron any file, and any format