
Simple game engine to make small canvas based games using es6

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tinEngine from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tin-engine';



Simple game engine to create small canvas based games using es6


Adding and removing entities to your scene

In any of your scene just create your entity and add it to the scene:

import V2, { Zero } from 'tin-engine/geo/v2';
import RectEntity from 'tin-engine/basic/rect';


// anywhere inside a class that extends Scene:
const re = new RectEntity(Zero(), new V2(200, 40));

In order not to update/render an entity, just detach it:


Color Definitions


The engine makes use of Color objects in order to render things. Color objects contain a set of 4 different colors for different states. These are:

  • stroke color
  • fill color
  • hover stroke color
  • hover fill color

The color objects should be defined in your project. If default is not defined, the engine will use some pre-defined value.

How to use

Let's draw a rect entity with some custom colors. Define your new color definition either via UI or via code:

import Colors from 'tin-engine/definition/colors';

export default {
    default: new Colors('#000', '#FFF', '#555', '#DDD'),
    dangerAlert: new Colors('#880044', '#AA1155', 'AA0044', 'DD1155'),

Next, when creating e.g. your RectEntity, just provide the color definition:

import Scene from 'tin-engine/lib/scene';
import V2, { Zero } from 'tin-engine/geo/v2';
import RectEntity from 'tin-engine/basic/rect';
import Colors from '../config/colors';

export default class PlaygroundScene extends Scene {
    constructor() {

        this.add(new RectEntity(Zero(), new V2(200, 40), Colors.dangerAlert));


You can morph your class member variables using the Morph helper entity. This is a quick example:

import Morph from 'tin-engine/basic/morph';
import EASING from 'tin-engine/definition/easing';

this.pos = Zero();
this.add(new RectEntity(this.pos, new V2(40, 40)));
this.add(new Morph({ pos: { x: 300 } }, 2000, EASING.INOUTCUBIC));

Morph takes 4 arguments:

  • what attribute on your this object to change
  • duration in ms
  • EASE type, defaults to EASING.LINEAR
  • onDone callback which is called after the morph operation is finished

After the morph is done it will be automatically detached from the scene.