
A tiny library simplifies building web components using decorators

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tinyElementJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tiny.element.js';



A tiny library (~20kb minified) simplifies building web components using a base class and small set of decorators.


npm i @tiny/core --save


A simple todo app.

import { TinyElement, element, query, handle, input } from 'tiny.element.js';

  `<div class="container">
    <input name="todo" placeholder="New Todo" />
    <button type="submit">Add</button>
  <div class="list">
class TodoApp extends TinyElement {


  @handle('submit', 'form')
  onSubmit(evt) {
    if (!this.input.value) {

    const todo = this.create('todo-item', {
      props: {
        item: this.input.value

    this.addChildren([todo], this.todosContainer);
    this.input.value = '';

  <span class="text"></span>
  <button type="button" style="font-size:10px" class="delete">❌</button>
class Todo extends TinyElement {



  onChanges(changes) {
    if (changes.has('item')) {
      this.updateHtml(this.item, this.spanEl);

  @handle('click', '.delete')
  onDelete(evt) {

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  const board = document.createElement('todo-app');


TinyElement (Base Class)

Contains methods to perform DOM operations.

create(name, options) - Create new element and returns it.

$(selector, el = this) - Queries and returns the element that matches the passed CSS selector.

$(selector, el = this) - Queries and returns the elements that matches the passed CSS selector.

addClass(classes, el = this) - Adds single or multiple classes.

removeClass(classes, el = this) - Removes single or multiple classes.

clearClasses(el = this) - Clear all classes.

toggleClass(sourceCls, targetCls, el = this) - Toggles source css classes with the target.

getAttr(name, el = this) - Returns the attribute value of the element.

setAttr(obj, el = this) - Sets attributes for element from the passed object.

removeAttr(attrs, el = this) - Removes the passed attributes from the element.

getData(name, el = this) - Returns the value of the data attribute.

setData(obj, el = this) - Sets object of data attributes.

getStyle(name, el = this) - Returns the passed style's value.

addStyle(styles, el = this) - Add passed styles.

clearStyles(el = this) - Clears the passed styles.

removeStyles(styles, el = this) - Removes the passed style(s).

getChild(index, parent = this) - Returns the child from the passed index.

addChildren(children, parent = this) - Inserts the passed elements as children.

removeChildren(el = this) - Removes all the children.

updateHtml(html, el = this) - Updates html of the element.

show(el = this) - Shows the element.

hide(el = this) - Hides the element.

on(eventName, handler, el = this) - Subscribes to the event.

off(eventName, handler, el = this) - Un-subscribes from the event.

onConnected() - Invoked after the element is connected to DOM (life-cycle hook).

onDisconnected() - Invoked after the element is dis-connected to DOM (life-cycle hook).

onChanges(changes) - Called initially and whenever there is a change in inputs (life-cycle hook).

element(name, tpl, shadow = false) decorator

Decorator that helps to register a class as custom web element.

input(attribute = false, dataType = 'string') decorator

Decorator that marks the applied property as an input.

query(selector) decorator

Decorator that helps to query and return DOM element(s) on accessing the applied property.

queryAll(selector) decorator

Decorator that helps to query and return DOM element(s) on accessing the applied property.

handle(eventName, element = 'self', all = false) decorator

Decorator that helps to bind a DOM event with a function.



