
In directory simple template generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tmpltn from '';



Super lightweight in-directory project scaffolding


npm -g install tmpltn

Example Usage

  1. Define a template file templates/model.tmpltn.js
 * TmpltnName: Model
 * TmpltnDescription: Generic scaffolding for a Model

// TmpltnOutput: lib/models/{{ train:name }}-model.js
class {{capitalize:camel:name}} {

// TmpltnOutput: test/models/{{ train:name }}-model-spec.js
var expect = require('expect.js');
describe('Models::{{capitalize:camel:name}}', function() {
  1. Run tmpltn
tmpltn gen Model name=Person
  1. Profit

tmpltn creates files:


class Person {


var expect = require('expect.js');
describe('Models::Person', function() {

Using Tmpltn


Lists available templates

tmpltn ls

gen [opts] [name] [vars...]

Generates template of given name using the variables provided.

Omit vars to see available variables for a given file.

tmpltn gen Model
Possible variables: name

You may also overwrite the default output directory by specifying --output-path.

tmpltn gen --output-path customDir/ Model name="Bob"

Template Files

The following tags are all valid:

  • TmpltnName - the name of the template, used for tmpltn ls
  • TmpltnDescription - the description for the template, used for tmpltn ls
  • TmpltnOutput - the default output path for the file

Variable Transfomation

The following transformers may be used. (Feel free to submit a PR to add more!)

Transformation may also be chained. eg. {{ capitalize:camel:name }}

  • camel - My Name -> myName
  • capitalize - myName -> MyName
  • snake - My Name -> my_name
  • train - My Name -> my-name