
Tog (short for toggle) is a framework for clients and servers to converse about feature flags over Redis.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import togCli from '';



npm version CircleCI

Tog (short for toggle) is a framework for clients and servers to converse about feature flags over Redis.

This is the command-line tool that interacts with the Server API to update flags and experiments.


  1. Node.js >= 10.0


Tog command-line uses Semantic Versioning 2.

Getting Started

  1. Install: npm install -g tog-cli
  2. Log in: tog login -h <host-url>, where <host-url> is the address to your deployment of Tog Server (e.g.


# Set my_app as default namespace
> tog config namespace my_app

# List flags
> tog list
namespace: my_app
│ name         │ description │ rollout       │
│ blue-button  │ -           │ - value: true │

# Get a flag
> tog get blue-button
namespace: my_app
name: blue-button
description: "Make the button blue"
  - value: true
    percentage: 30
  - value: false

# Set a flag's description
> tog set blue-button -d "Make the button blue"

# Set a flag's rollout
> tog set blue-button --rollout "[{ percentage: 30, value: true }, value: false]"

# Set a flag's rollout to always true
> tog set blue-button --on

# Set a flag's rollout to always false
> tog set blue-button --off