
Generate tree chart based on structured data, and support node expansion/collapse, and edit nodes through API or drag-and-drop behavior

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import treechartjs from '';



image [中文文档]


  • Lightweight graphics library, without any dependencies, the size after construction is only 32KB
  • Support node expand/collapse
  • You can drag and drop nodes to edit
  • Support drag and drop to move layers
  • Support multiple solutions to limit the operation of the node and prompt


npm install treechartjs


yarn add treechartjs


import TreeChart from 'treechartjs'
import 'treechartjs/dist/index.css'

const chart = new TreeChart(...option)


import TreeChart from 'treechartjs'
import 'treechartjs/dist/index.css'

const chart = new TreeChart({
  data: [/*tree data*/],
  container: document.querySelector('.target'), /*chart container HTMLElement*/
  contentRender() {
    /*render function*/



Type: String Default: 'id'

The attribute used to identify the node. The uniqueness of the attribute needs to be guaranteed. If there are duplicate values, it will cause problems in the use process. The value of the attribute must be of type string


Type: Array Default: undefined

The data source used to render graphics, the format is as follows:

      id: '1',
      children: [{
          id: '11', 
          children: [{ id: '111' }] 

Among them, id and children are required, children is an Array type, id can be replaced with the value defined by keyField, and other custom attributes can be added for use by contentRender:

      id: '1',
      name: 'parent',
      age: 45,
      children: [{
          id: '11',
          name: 'son',
          age: 19


Type: HTMLElement Default: undefined

The parent element of the graph. After initialization, the class name of tree-chart will be added. If there are too many nodes, you can set overflow: auto to scroll through.


Type: Function Default: undefined

Custom rendering function can return HTMLElement or HTMLText, and the parameter data is the data corresponding to the node


    contentRender(data) {
        const node = document.createElement('div')
        node.innerText =
        return container


    contentRender(data) {
        return `<div class="node-${}">${}</div>`


Type: Boolean Default: true

The arrangement direction of the tree, the default arrangement is vertical, if set to false, it will be arranged horizontally:



Type: Number Default: 40

The horizontal distance between two nodes, this value cannot be less than 40


Type: Number Default: 40

The vertical distance between two nodes, this value cannot be less than 40


Type: Boolean Default: false

Whether child nodes can be collapsed, if set to true, they can be expanded and collapsed by clicking or using API


Type: Array Default: []

Nodes that need to be collapsed in the initial state, if there is a corresponding node in the passed key, the child nodes of the node will be collapsed


Type: Boolean Default: false

Set to true to enable node dragging function


Type: Boolean Default: false

After set to true, you can drag non-node areas to trigger interface scrolling: image


Type: Number Default: 50

If the dragging node is close to the boundary and there are remaining nodes that are not displayed, automatic scrolling will be triggered. By default, if the distance between the dragging node and the boundary is less than 50px, scrolling will be triggered. This critical value can be changed by setting autoScrollTriggerDistance, this value must be greater than 0


Type: Object Default: { type: 'bezier', smooth: 50 }

Set the shape and smoothness of the connecting line between nodes


Type: String

type example
straight image
broken image
bezier image

Type: Number

To enable this configuration, you need to set line.type === bezier, the value of smooth is between 0~100, and the connection line will become when line.smooth === 100 straight line


Type: Function Default: undefined

To enable this configuration, you need to first set option.draggable === true, through option.nodeControl you can control whether the node can be dragged and inserted into child nodes or adjacent nodes

    nodeControl(data) {
        return {
              draggable: true, // The target node can be dragged
              insertChild: true, // The target node can insert child nodes
              insertPrevious: true, // The target node can be inserted into PreviousNode
              insertNext: true // The target node can be inserted into NextNode

Make the node with id === 1 unable to be dragged:

    nodeControl(data) {
        return {
            draggable: !== 1

Note: nodeControl can only limit the dragging behavior of the mouse, but not the chart.insertNode method


Type: Function Default: undefined

To enable this configuration, you need to set option.draggable === true first, and option.preventDrag will be triggered before the node is dragged. If the return value is true, the dragging of the current node will be prevented. Unlike option.nodeControl, option.nodeControl will only be executed during the initialization phase, but ʻoption.preventDrag` will be executed before each drag.

Make the node with id === 1 blocked before dragging:

    preventDrag(data) {
        return === 1


Type: Object Default: {}

    hook: {
        dragStart() {/* something */},
        dragEnd() {/* something */}

Type: Function Default: undefined

The option.dragStart method will be triggered when the dragging behavior of the node starts

    hook: {
        dragStart(params) {
            console.log(data) // { element, key }

Type: Function Default: undefined

The dragging behavior of the node stops and the position change will trigger the option.dragEnd method

    hook: {
        dragEnd(params) {
            console.log(params) // { key, target, type, from, to }

params.key: the key representing the node being dragged the key representing the target node (the node that was collided)

params.type: possible values are: previous, next and child

params.from and represents the location information before and after the node moves

Type: Function Default: undefined

The method will be triggered when the node is clicked

    hook: {
        click(params, event) {
            console.log(params, event) // ({ element, key }, event)

Type: Function Default: undefined

The option.mouseEnter method will be triggered when the mouse enters the node area

    hook: {
        mouseEnter(params, event) {
            console.log(params, event) // ({ element, key }, event)

Type: Function Default: undefined

The option.mouseLeave method will be triggered when the mouse leaves the node area

    hook: {
        mouseLeave(params, event) {
            console.log(params, event) // ({ element, key }, event)

Type: Function Default: undefined

option.foldChange will be triggered when the node folding state changes

    hook: {
        foldChange(nodeKey, isFold) {
            console.log(nodeKey, isFold) // ('2', true)



getNodeElement(nodeKey: string): string

Get the element corresponding to the node according to the passed nodeKey

chart.getNodeElement('1') // HTMLElement


getKeyByElement(nodeElement: HTMLElement): HTMLElement

Get the nodeKey corresponding to the nodeElement node

chart.getKeyByElement(document.querySelector('.tree-chart-item-1')) // nodeKey: 1


getPreviousKey(nodeKey: string): string

Get the nodeKey of the previous sibling node according to the passed nodeKey

chart.getKeyByElement('3') // nodeKey: 2


getNextKey(nodeKey: string): string

Obtain the nodeKey of the next sibling node according to the passed nodeKey

chart.getNextKey('2') // nodeKey: 3


getParentKey(nodeKey: string): string

Get the nodeKey of the parent node according to the passed nodeKey

chart.getNextKey('2') // nodeKey: 1


getChildrenKeys(nodeKey: string): Array<string>

Get the nodeKey list of the child nodes according to the passed nodeKey. Note that only the nodeKey of the first-level child nodes are returned here.

chart.getChildrenKeys('1') // nodeKeys: ['1', '2']


existChildren(nodeKey: string): boolean

Determine whether the node corresponding to nodeKey has child nodes

chart.existChildren('1') // true


insertNode(targetKey: string, origin: string | object, type: string): void

  • targetKey

The nodeKey of the target node, this node is not the node that needs to be moved

  • origin

The parameter value can be nodeKey or object. If it is nodeKey, it represents the node that needs to be operated. If it is object, a new node will be created for operation. The format of object should be A child of

  • type

The possible values are child, previous and next, which represent insert as a child node, insert as the previous sibling node, and insert as the next sibling node, respectively

You can add new nodes or move existing nodes through insertNode

chart.insertNode('1', '2', 'child') // Insert the node with key 2 as a child node of 1
chart.insertNode('1', '2', 'previous') // Insert the node with key 2 as the previous sibling node of 1
chart.insertNode('1', '2', 'next') // Insert the node with key 2 as the next sibling node of 1

const newNodeData = {
    id: '8',
    name: 'jack',
    age: 24
chart.insertNode('1', newNodeData, 'child') // Create a new child node for the node with key 1

Note: Under no circumstances can you insert a sibling node to the root node


removeNode(nodeKey: string): void

Delete the node corresponding to nodeKey

chart.removeNode('3') // key为3的节点被删除


nodeIsFold(nodeKey: string): boolean

Determine whether the corresponding node is collapsed according to the passed nodeKey

chart.nodeIsFold('2') // false


toggleFold(nodeKey: string, option?: { fold: boolean, reloadLink: boolean }): void

The node corresponding to nodeKey will change the collapsed state:


You can set ʻoption.fold` to specify the folding state:

chart.toggleFold('2', { fold: true }) // Collapse the node whose nodeKey is 2

If a large number of nodes need to change the folding state, you can set ʻoption.reloadLink = falseand manually executechart.reloadLink()` to improve performance:

['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'].forEach(nodeKey => {
    chart.toggleFold(nodeKey, { reloadLink: false })


reRenderNode(nodeKey: string, nodeData: object): void

Re-render the target node according to the incoming nodeData

const nodeData = {
    id: '2',
    name: 'jeck',
    age: 32
chart.reRenderNode('2', nodeData) // key为2的节点被重新渲染


reloadLink(): void

Re-render all the connecting lines in the graph



reRender(data: object): void

Use the new data to render the entire graph, the format of data should be consistent with

const data = {
      id: '1',
      children: [{
          id: '11', 
          children: [{ id: '111' }] 