
In react native, you can provide a dependency library or component name in package.json. It will download all of the dependent components when you run “npm install”. The following is sample code for package.json.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trimbleMapsCpikReactNativeLibrary from '';


In react native, you can provide a dependency library or component name in package.json. It will download all of the dependent components when you run “npm install”. The following is sample code for package.json.

JSON "dependencies": { "trimble-maps-cpik-react-native-library": "{CoPilot version number}" //For example "". },

Add the details below to the AndroidManifest.xml in the android application

First we need to add some attributes to the main activity in your application that is used on startup.

XML android:name="com.alk.helloworld.MainActivity" android:multiprocess="false" android:configChanges="mcc|mnc|locale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize|fontScale|uiMode" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:label="@string/mainactivity_label" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden|adjustPan">

The application will also need to add the following services and metadata to the 'application' element inside the Android Manifest.


Finally, the application will need additional permission access inside the 'manifest' element, sibling to the 'application' element in the xml tree.