
Web component compiler and package manager

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trucks from '';


Trucks (CLI)

Web component compiler command line interface

Command line interface for the trucks-compiler libary.


npm i -g trucks

Or just for your project:

npm i trucks --save-dev


Use the --help or -h option for program help:

trucks -h

If the program is installed globally the man page will be installed:

man trucks


To compile components pass HTML source files, for example:

trucks src/*.html

Which will generate components.css, components.js and components.html in the current working directory. Template elements in the source component files are compiled to javascript functions and prepended to components.js.

In this case the HTML templates are not compiled to javascript. Use this option when compiling polymer components.

Change the output directory with the --out option:

trucks src/*.html -o build

The output file name is components by default; use the --name option to change the name of the generated files.

Configuration files can be loaded and merged with the default options using the --conf option:

trucks src/*.html -o build --conf options.js

See OPTIONS for the options that may be specified in configuration files.

For full cli documentation see the man page and consult the trucks readme for information on creating components.


Completion is available for zsh. To install copy _trucks to a directory in $fpath, see the completion docs for more information.


Usage: trucks [-fh] [--force] [--secure] [--print-imports] [--print-tree]
              [--print-manifest] [--print-stack] [--help] [--version] [--out
              <dir>] [--name <val>] [--html <file>] [--css <file>] [--js
              <file>] [--transforms <id...>] [--protocols <id...>] [--rc
              <file...>] [--extract <dir>] [--inject <dir>] [--manifest <file>]

  Compiles web components.

  -o, --out=[dir]         Output directory (default: cwd)
  -n, --name=[val]        Name for output files (default: components)
  -m, --html=[file]       Template output file
  -s, --css=[file]        Stylesheet output file
  -j, --js=[file]         Javascript output file
  -t, --transforms=[id...] 
                          Run transform plugins
  -p, --protocols=[id...] Enable protocol resolver plugins
  -c, --rc=[file...]      Configuration files to require
  -e, --extract=[dir]     Extract shadow styles to directory
  -i, --inject=[dir]      Inject shadow styles from directory
  -a, --manifest=[file]   Write manifest to file
  -f, --force             Force overwrite existing files
  --secure                Disable the http: protocol
  --print-imports         Print the file hierarchy
  --print-tree            Print the component tree hierarchy
  --print-manifest        Print the generated files manifest
  --print-stack           Print stack trace on error
  -h, --help              Display help and exit
  --version               Print the version and exit



Install dependencies with npm i and install mkdoc globally (npm i -g mkdoc).


To build all the command line interface files run:

mk cli

To see all available tasks run mk --tasks.


To build the readme file:

mk readme


To run the test suite:

npm test

Tests are not included in the npm package you should clone the repository to run the test suite.


To generate code coverage run:

npm run cover


Run the source tree through jshint and jscs:

npm run lint


Remove generated files:

npm run clean



Created by mkdoc on August 6, 2016