
The official TrueVault JavaScript SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import truevault from '';


TrueVault JavaScript SDK

The official JavaScript SDK for TrueVault. For more information about TrueVault, check out our website and API documentation. To see how the SDK is used in a real application, check out the TrueVault React Sample App. You can also browse the documentation for this SDK.

Note: This SDK is supported on Node JS, AWS Lambda, React Native, and modern browsers (tested in Chrome).

Install using unpkg CDN

Simply copy this line into your HTML:

<script src=""></script>

Install using yarn / npm

First download the package using yarn or npm.

yarn add truevault

// OR

npm install truevault

Then import the JS SDK into your project:


import TrueVaultClient from 'truevault';


const TrueVaultClient = require('truevault');


Initialize a TrueVaultClient using an access token or API key:

const tvClient = new TrueVaultClient({apiKey: 'your api key'});

You can also create a new TrueVaultClient by logging in:

const tvClient = await TrueVaultClient.login(accountId, username, password, mfaCode);

See the documentation for more info.

Asynchronous Requests

The methods in this SDK make asynchronous web requests to TrueVault and return Promises. We recommend using async/await in favor of Promises wherever possible for clarity and conciseness.


async readTrueVaultDocument() {
    try {
        const response = await tvClient.readDocument(vaultId, documentId);
    } catch (err) {


readTrueVaultDocument() {
    tvClient.readDocument(vaultId, documentId).then(response => {
    }).catch(err => {


Test out the SDK with this simple JSFiddle example.


Make changes to index.js and then bundle them into build/index.js with webpack:

yarn build

The integration tests are built with Mocha. To run them, first copy test.env.template to test.env and populate test.env with values from your account. To run tests, do yarn test. You can run a subset of tests via yarn test -g [filter regex]

To run in a browser, first rebuild the test file with webpack: yarn build-browser-tests and then load test/index.html in a browser.

Running in AWS lambda is more complicated:

  1. Build a version of the tests for inclusion in lambda: yarn build-lambda-tests
  2. Create a new Lambda function. Choose Node 8.10 for the runtime, run-lambda-tests.runTests for the handler, 5 minutes for the timeout, and supply the generated
  3. Perform a test invocation to run the tests. They take a few minutes to run, and no output appears until they complete.


This project uses documentationjs. To generate the docs:

rm -rf docs && yarn documentation -- build index.js -f html -o docs

The documentation is available via GitHub Pages.


This SDK is released under the BSD 3-Clause License.

Releasing a new version

  • Update version in package.json
  • Rebuild distribution files; see above
  • Rebuild documentation; see above
  • Commit
  • npm publish
  • Tag