
TypeScript boilerplate for React library development

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsBoilerplate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-boilerplate';



TypeScript boilerplate for React library development


  • karma
  • react
  • rollup
  • tslint

See ts-test-boilerplate for a test app that consumes this library.

Files to edit after cloning

* dist/bundle.d.ts
* package.json
* rollup.js
* src/**/*.ts
* test/**/*.spec.ts

Things to note

Since the main bundle is separate from the test bundle, it's easy to accidentally publish an outdated package. Use npm run pub to ensure your main bundle is up to date before publishing it.


  • Minimize duplication of config (e.g. I wrote a customized rollup script instead of using the usual rollup.config.js so I can combine options for both the main & test builds)
  • Minimize reliance on packages that aren't well maintained (e.g. at the time I tried the rollup-plugin-typescript package, I wasn't getting TypeScript compilation error messages).
  • Small, quick and easy to understand bundle output (which rollup fulfils rather nicely)

Lessons learnt

  • Using TypeScript for build scripts (e.g. rollup.js used to be rollup.ts) led to significant pain. tsc can compile to either CommonJS or ES2015, but rollup wants ES2015 whereas node.js scripts wants CommonJS (i.e. require statements). Addressing this discrepancy made the config files & build scripts unnecessarily complex and error-prone, so I just went back to *.js files.