
only support async method. because the cache store is async. if used on sync method, it will be cast to async function

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsCacheDecorator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-cache-decorator';




only support async method. because the cache store is async.
if used on sync method, it will be cast to async function  

0. install

yarn/npm install ts-cache-decorator

1. simple

import { CacheMethod } from 'ts-cache-decorator';

class ClassA {
  @CacheMethod({ ttl: 60 })
  async methodA(){
    return /*some data will be cached*/


2. custom key or cache store

cache store support redis and built in memory

import { CacheMethod ,setDefaultStore,RedisCacheStore } from 'ts-cache-decorator';
import * as redis from 'redis'
function keyGenerator(objId: string, methodName: string, args: any[]){
  return 'some cache key'
const store = new RedisCacheStore(redis.createClient('redis://'))
// change default cache store

class ClassA {
  // use special store
  @CacheMethod({ ttl: 60,key:keyGenerator },store)
  async methodA(){
    return /*some data will be cached*/
  // use default cache store
  @CacheMethod({ ttl: 60 })
  async methodB(){
    return /*some data will be cached*/


3 store usage

import { CacheMethod ,setDefaultStore,RedisCacheStore } from 'ts-cache-decorator';
import * as redis from 'redis'

const store = new RedisCacheStore(redis.createClient('redis://'))

await store.set('xxx',3600,{a:1}) // 缓存一小时
await store.forever('xxx',{a:1}) // 永久缓存
const obj = await store.get('xxx')