Exposes minimal set of helpers to work with Maybe
, Result
union types + a pipe
function. Based on ts-union library.
NOTE: work in progress
npm add ts-definitely-maybe ts-union
NOTE: Requires peer dependency on ts-union + uses features from typescript 3.0 (such as unknown
Produces MaybeVal<B>
from MaybeVal<A>
with a function f(a:A) => B
import { Maybe } from 'ts-definitely-maybe';
const { map, Just, Nothing } = Maybe;
// inferred type for n is number;
map(Just(1), n => n + 1); // Just(2)
// have to explicitly provide <number> type parameter
map(Nothing<number>(), n => n + 1); // Nothing
// curried version
// omit union value to construct a function instead
// typeof stringify === (v:MaybeVal<number>) => MaybeVal<string>
const stringify = map((n: number) => n.toString());
stringify(Just(1)); // Just('1')
// in here you can omit <number>. ts will correctly infer it.
stringify(Nothing()); // Nothing
Produces MaybeVal<B>
from MaybeVal<A>
with a function f(a:A) => MaybeVal<B>
Useful for modeling operations that depend on the prev step result (aka Sequence).
const { bind, Just, Nothing } = Maybe;
// inferred type for n is number;
bind(Just(1), n => Just(n + 1)); // Just(2)
// have to explicitly provide <number> type parameter
bind(Nothing<number>(), n => Just(n + 1)); // Nothing
// curried version is similar to map
// omit union value to construct a function instead
// typeof stringify === (v:MaybeVal<number>) => MaybeVal<string>
const stringify = bind((n: number) => Just(n.toString()));
stringify(Just(1)); // Just('1')
stringify(Nothing()); // Nothing
Behaves really similar to Maybe
but the Err
case has payload. Err
payload type has to be specified at the moment of creation.
Creating a Result type specifying error.
Note this api is probably going to change. I'm not a huge fan of the name and ergonomics of it.
import { buildResultWithErr } from 'ts-definitely-maybe';
// ResUnion<string>. Bakes in potential string errors.
const MyResult = buildResultWithErr<string>();
const ResultWithException = buildResultWithErr<Error>();
// this also works
const ResWithStrOrError = buildResultWithErr<Error | string>();
const { map, Ok, Err } = MyRes;
map(Ok(1), n => n.toString()); // Ok(2)
map(Err<number>('oops'), n => n + 1); // Err('oops')
// curried version
const double = map((n: number) => n * 2);
double(Ok(1)); // Ok(2)
double(Err('e')); // Err('e')
Useful for modeling any sort of validation and for Railway Oriented Programming.
const { map, bind, Ok, Err } = MyRes;
bind(Ok(1), n => Ok(n + 1)); // Ok(2)
bind(Err<number>('oops'), n => Ok(n + 1)); // Err('oops')
// More fun example with pipe
import { pipe } from 'ts-definitely-maybe';
type Person = { first: string; last: string; age: number };
// Takes Res<Person> and returns Res<string>
const canDrink = pipe(
map(({ first, last, age }: Person) => ({
name: `${first} ${last}`,
bind(({ name, age }) => (age >= 21 ? Ok('Sure') : Err(`Nope, ${name}`)))
canDrink(Ok<Person>({ first: 'Too', last: 'Young', age: 18 }));
// Err('Nope, Too Young')
canDrink(Ok<Person>({ first: 'Old', last: 'Enough', age: 45 }));
// Ok('Sure')
// Err('oops')
Just an utility function to build pipelines. Almost 100% copypaste from RxJs pipe
Typings + iml:
export interface Fn<T, R> {
(val: T): R;
export interface Pipe {
<T, A>(fn1: Fn<T, A>): Fn<T, A>;
<T, A, B>(fn1: Fn<T, A>, fn2: Fn<A, B>): Fn<T, B>;
<T, A, B, C>(fn1: Fn<T, A>, fn2: Fn<A, B>, fn3: Fn<B, C>): Fn<T, C>;
export const pipe: Pipe = (...fns: Array<Fn<any, any>>): Fn<any, any> => (
input: any
) => fns.reduce((prev: any, fn: Fn<any, any>) => fn(prev), input);
& matchif
for Maybe
and Result
These functions came from ts-union library but still useful to mention them here
for const { match, Just, Nothing } = Maybe;
match(Just(1), { Just: n => n, Nothing: () => 0 }); // 1
//curried version
const valueOrZero = match({ Just: (n: number) => n, Nothing: () => 0 });
valueOrZero(Just(1)); // 1
valueOrZero(Nothing<number>()); // 0
const val = Just(1);
Maybe.if.Just(val, n => n, () => 0); // 1
for const { match, Ok, Err } = MyRes;
match(Ok(1), { Ok: n => n, Err: _ => -1 }); // 1
match(Err<number>('err'), { Ok: n => n.toString(), Err: s => s }); // 'err'
//curried version
const toStrOrErr = match({
Ok: (n: number) => n.toString(),
Err: e => e
toStrOrErr(Ok(1)); // '1'
toStrOrErr(Err<number>('err')); // 'err'
const val = Ok(1);
MyRes.if.Ok(val, n => n, () => 0); // 1