
Generate a visually stunning dependency graph from your Angular or Typescript project

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsDepgraph from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-depgraph';


Typescript (Angular) Dependency Graph drawer

Uses vis.js, check it out, it's pretty cool.


npm install -g ts-depgraph

Customize depgraph.config.js if you want

You can check the example in the package directory (depgraph.config.js.example) or you can leave it out completely, default starting folder is the current.

projectDirectory: this is the directory where your src directory is. Without trailing slash.
tsconfig: if you have path aliases defined in tsconfig, you can refer it here. Otherwise projectDirectory/tsconfig.json is used.

Run graph generator


Open depgraph.html

Dark mode, yay!