
Representation of a geographic point for node.js and the browser written in Typescript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsGeopoint from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-geopoint';


Geographic Point

GeoPoint represents a geographic point for node.js and the browser, and provides distance between points and radius bounding box calculations.


    npm install ts-geopoint 


const GeoPoint = require('ts-geopoint');
const statueOfLiberty = new GeoPoint(40.689604, -74.04455);
import { GeoPoint } from 'ts-geopoint';
const statueOfLiberty = new GeoPoint(40.689604, -74.04455);

Constructor options

  • latitude: Latitude
  • longitude: Longitude
  • inRadians: true if the latitude and longitude are in radians, defaults to false


  • .latitude(inRadians): Return the point's latitude. By default, the latitude is in degrees, unless inRadians is true
  • .longitude(inRadians): Return the point's longitude. By default, the longitude is in degrees, unless inRadians is true
  • .distanceTo(point, inKilometers): Calculate the distance to another GeoPoint instance. By default, the distance is calculated in miles, unless inKilometers is true
  • .boundingCoordinates(distance, radius, inKilometers): Calculates the bounding coordinates of distance from the point and returns an array with the SW and NE points of the bounding box . If radius is not provided, the radius of the Earth will be used. The distance is calculated in miles unless inKilometers is true

Static Methods

  • GeoPoint.degreesToRadians(value): Converts value in degrees to radians
  • GeoPoint.radiansToDegrees(value): Converts value in radians to degrees
  • GeoPoint.milesToKilometers(value): Converts value in miles to kilometers
  • GeoPoint.kilometersToMiles(value): Converts value in kilometers to miles

Running Tests

Tests can be run with npm test.
