
expect all type errors, except spanish inquisition. Nobody expects spanish inqusition.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsInquisition from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-inquisition';



expect all the type errors. A simple CLI util to mark all your current TS errors as expected. Useful when you wan to start failing you builds on a new type error while keeping the old ones as is. Supports ts and tsx files.


Note that it is only tested on code bases formatted with prettier. It won't work correctly on code bases with any other formatting.

npx ts-inquisition "src/**"

Errors that will not be expected

  • import statement errors. You really should fix those, does not make much sense to silence them.
  • spanish inquisition. Nobody expects spanish inquisition.

all other TS errors will be expected and silenced.


solve JSX elements