
The javascript Library written with mobx and typescript which helps you to handle a form state.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsMobxFormState from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-mobx-form-state';



Form state manager written with mobx :muscle: and typescript :heart: which helps you to handle forms workflow.

  • Represents form state as a separate standalone store. Controlling the instance of the store you can manage the state from any point of your code.

  • Easy to test :wrench: as soon as it is a separate store.

  • Gives you a clear way :rocket: how to build and control forms with any complexity :nerd_face:

  • Provides strict typescript checks for all fields including deep nested fields.

  • Provides clear and flexible client-side form validation flow. You don't need to use html attribute validation anymore. You are free to use any standalone validation library and test it separately. For the instance, consider this one :sunglasses:

  • Define a server-side validation error response with typescript. It forces you to unify all your API responses.

  • Allows you to add extra information to input fields (like hint or warning) and unify it within your forms.

  • Control the form's state. Like initial state or check if it's dirty.


Check out the basic example here.

It uses fluent validation and gives you some the best practices to build forms.

How to use

In the example :point_up: we have code ideas how to build forms with the library. Let's review that example simplified it a bit.

Create form model

export type Person = {

  name: string;


The form in the example relies on this model to check types:

this.form = new Form<Person, Meta>(...);

And for the validation errors:

// Create validator based on Person model:
// this._validationService.validate(model) method will return ValidationErrors<Person>.
private _validator = this._validationService.create<Person>(...);

You can see the example in BasicFormStore.ts file :point_down:

Create form store

Form store is BasicFormStore.ts. It links form store and validator. It contains another helper methods like submit().

:star: Good to use along with AsyncOperationStore to handle submit operations.

  • Property form represents the form store instance

  • Property _validator represents the instance of BasicFormValidator validator.

import { Person } from './Models';
import { computed, reaction } from 'mobx';
import { BasicFormValidator } from './Validators/BasicFormValidator';
import { Form } from 'ts-mobx-form-state';
import { DisposerStore } from 'ts-mobx-basic-stores';
import { ValidationService } from '../../Services/Validation';

type Meta = {
  warning: string;

export class BasicFormStore {

  public readonly form: Form<Person>;

  // Inject your validation service here
  private _validationService = new ValidationService();

  // Create your validator
  private _validator = this._validationService.create<Person>(new BasicFormValidator());

  private readonly _disposer = new DisposerStore();

  constructor() {
    this.submit = this.submit.bind(this);
    this.form = new Form<Person, Meta>(
        fields: {
          name: {
            value: 'Bob Martin',
            meta: {
              warning: 'This is not your real name.',

    // Set up reaction to validate form on any model's change.
        (): Person => this.form.value,
        (): void => {

  public get model(): Person {
    return this.form.value;

  public dispose(): void {

  public submit(): void {
    console.log('form value', this.form.value);

Create validator

import { Person } from '../Models';
import { Validator } from 'fluentvalidation-ts';
import { PersonPhoneValidator } from './PersonPhoneValidator';
import { PersonAddressValidator } from './PersonAddressValidator';

export class BasicFormValidator extends Validator<Person> {

  constructor() {

      .withMessage('Fill up the field')


Set up validator

Once validator is created you can set up a reaction to the form's value changes. Each time the value is changed validator will be applied.

  (): Person => this.form.value,
  (): void => {

Add form components

Form components is the third core idea. Form component is aware of specific form field store and know how to react on it.

In the giving example you can find TextField form component. It represents the basic text form field.

The form component should define

  • How to render the error message from field store.
  • How to render the form field's value.
  • Process the change value event.

Let's see a simple example:

import React, { PureComponent, ReactNode } from 'react';
import { FormControl, FormGroup, FormLabel } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
import Feedback from 'react-bootstrap/Feedback';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { FormField } from 'ts-mobx-form-state';

type FormFieldProps = {

  label?: string;

  field: FormField;


export class TextField extends PureComponent<FormFieldProps> {

  public render(): ReactNode {
    const {
    } = this.props;

    // Define the state of invalid input
    const invalid = field.isTouched && field.hasError;

    return (
      <FormGroup style={{ marginBottom: 0 }}>
          // Render label here if prensented
          // Label is optional and may be ommited
          && (
            <FormLabel style={{ fontSize: 'small', marginBottom: 0 }}>
          // React to the change event here and mutate the field store's value
          onChange={(e): void => field.set(e.currentTarget.value || "")}
                // Add invalid class to render the bootstrap feedback error.
                'is-invalid': invalid
          // Add invalid or valid type to render the bootstrap feedback.
          type={invalid ? 'invalid' : 'valid'}
            // Show the field store's error here


The form consists of that fields

import React, { PureComponent, ReactNode } from 'react';
import { Badge, Button, Col, Form, Row } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
import { BasicFormStore } from './BasicFormStore';
import { TextField } from '../../FieldTypes';

type BasicFormProps = {

  store: BasicFormStore;


export class BasicForm extends PureComponent<BasicFormProps> {

  public componentWillUnmount(): void {
    // dispose reactions on unmount

  public render(): ReactNode {
    const {
      form: {
    } = this.props.store;

    return (
        title='Basic form'
          // Use form value to submit the form


To submit the form just use store.submit() method.


npm i ts-mobx-form-state

Code styles

Run npm run lint.


Run npm run test.


  • Get the stable release 1.0.0 ready.

  • Enhance typescript checking to get strict mode checking.