A public-key signature system based on Ed25519 for the NATS ecosystem system in JavaScript and Typescript.
ts-nkeys is a typescript nats library for node that for generating nkeys.
npm install ts-nkeys
Basic Usage
// create an user nkey - also possible to create accounts, clusters, servers.
let user = createUser();
// once you have an nkey you can generate various keys.
// A seed is the public and private keys together.
// Seeds are strings, and start with the letter 'S'.
// Seeds need to be kept safe and never shared.
let seed = user.getSeed();
t.true(Buffer.isBuffer(seed));[0], 'S'.charCodeAt(0));
// the second letter in the seed represents its type:
// `U` for user,
// `A` for account,
// `C` for cluster
// `N` for severs[1], 'U'.charCodeAt(0));
// public keys can be shared and can be used to verify signed content
let publicKey = user.getPublicKey();
// first letter represents the type of public key
// `U` for user,
// `A` for account,
// `C` for cluster
// `N` for severs[0], 'U'.charCodeAt(0));
// To sign data
let data = Buffer.from("HelloWorld");
let sig = user.sign(data);
// to verify use the user, public or seed:
t.true(user.verify(data, sig));
// public keys can be used to verify signatures you cannot sign with them though.
let pk = fromPublic(publicKey);
t.true(pk.verify(data, sig));
// seeds can be used to reconstitute the keypair from a string
let sk = fromSeed(seed);
t.true(sk.verify(data, sig));
// and can be used to sign
let sig2 = sk.sign(data);
t.true(sk.verify(data, sig));
Supported Node Versions
Our support policy for Nodejs versions follows Nodejs release support. We will support and build node-nats on even-numbered Nodejs versions that are current or in LTS.
Unless otherwise noted, the NATS source files are distributed under the Apache Version 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.