npm install --save-dev ts-passthrough-test-helper
Given types such as the following ( where the types of parameters and return are not important ) :
interface IInterface{
methodWithReturn(p1: string): boolean;
voidMethod(): void;
otherMethod(): void;
class PassesThrough implements IInterface {
constructor(private readonly passedTo: IInterface){}
return this.passedTo.methodWithReturn(p1);
// this will be excluded if provide the TypeInfo isValidMethod
We want to test that the passedTo constructor argument is indeed used in this manner.
The tsPassThroughHelper testing framework agnostic function provides this functionality. There are jest specific functions too.
How it works
Creates an object with mocked methods
- you determine the class or interface and which methods should passthrough
- The typeInfo argument
- path to the source file
- function that finds the class or interface from the source file
- This will default to the first type in the source file. Alternatively there is the typeByNameFinder and the more general conditionalTypeFinder.
- include the methods of your choice with the isValidMethod property ( otherwise all methods are included )
- The typeInfo argument
- you provide the mock for each method
- The testingFramework argument
- get for void methods
- getWithReturn for non void methods - your mock method needs to return the argument
- The testingFramework argument
- you determine the class or interface and which methods should passthrough
Passes you the mock, you return instance of the class that should pass through.
- The passThrough argument
It returns for each method an object with the name of the method and an execute method.
Execution It calls the method on the instance you passed through with the desired number of arguments. Each argument is of the form :
{ arg: number} // where number is the position
Expectation If it is a non void method and you do not return the passthrough return value then it will throw an error. A method will only be deemed to have a return value if it is explicitly typed
- For all methods it will ask you to expect that the mock method has been called with the expected arguments
- TestingFramework.expectCalledOnceWithArguments
interface TestingFramework<TMock = any> {
expectCalledOnceWithArguments: (mock: TMock, args: object[]) => any;
//implement at least one of these
get?(): TMock;
getWithReturn?(returnValue: object): TMock;
type ClassOrInterface = ts.ClassDeclaration | ts.InterfaceDeclaration;
type TypeFinder = (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) => ClassOrInterface;
export interface TypeInfo {
filePath: string;
typeFinder?: TypeFinder; // defaults to first class or interface
isValidMethod?: (methodName: string) => boolean;// defaults to all methods
function tsPassThroughHelper(typeInfo: TypeInfo, passThrough: (mock: any) => any, testingFramework: TestingFramework): {
methodName: string;
execute(): void;
Example usage with jest :
function jestPassThroughHelper(
typeInfo: TypeInfo,
passThrough: (mock: any) => any
) {
return tsPassThroughHelper(typeInfo, passThrough, {
get() {
return jest.fn();
getWithReturn(returnValue) {
return jest.fn().mockReturnValue(returnValue);
expectCalledOnceWithArguments(mock, args) {
function jestPassThroughTestHelper(
typeInfo: TypeInfo,
passThrough: (mock: any) => any
) {
const tests = jestPassThroughHelper(typeInfo, passThrough);
tests.forEach(t => {
it(`should passthrough ${t.methodName}`, () => {
describe('passes through', () => {
filePath: 'path-to-file-only-containing-IInterface',
isValidMethod(methodName) {
return methodName !== 'otherMethod';
mock => {
return new PassesThrough(mock);