
This codebase produces an npm module that is an automatic derivation of some useful concepts from the Microsoft/vscode repo's vs/base/common directory.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsPrimitives from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-primitives';


Useful TypeScript primitives

This codebase produces an npm module that is an automatic derivation of some useful concepts from the Microsoft/vscode repo's vs/base/common directory.


API Documentation


Rebuild from source

Read code from the upstream vscode repo at the UPSTREAM_GIT_HASHISH (or master if not specified) and:

  1. Generate a tree-shaken module from async.ts, cancellation.ts, event.ts and lifecycle.ts.
  2. Produces tsdoc documents in ./docs.
npm run build [UPSTREAM_GIT_HASHISH]