Loading cache for promises. Does not suffer from thundering herds problem (aka cache stampede).
The constructor takes a loader that loads missing entries. By default rejected Promises are not kept in the cache.
loader: (key: string) => Promise
const cache = new PromiseCache<string>((key: string) => Promise.resolve("value"));
const value = await cache.get("key");
The second constructor argument is an optional config (Partial<CacheConfig> config is ok).
export class CacheConfig<T> {
// how often to check for expired entries
public readonly checkInterval: number | "NEVER" = "NEVER";
// time to live (milliseconds)
public readonly ttl: number | "FOREVER" = "FOREVER";
// specifies that entries should be removed 'ttl' milliseconds from either when the cache was accessed (read) or when the cache value was created or replaced
public readonly ttlAfter: "ACCESS" | "WRITE" = "ACCESS";
// remove rejected promises?
public readonly removeRejected: boolean = true;
// fallback for rejected promises
public readonly onReject: (error: Error, key: string, loader: (key: string) => Promise<T>) => Promise<T>
= (error) => Promise.reject(error)
// called before entries are removed because of ttl
public readonly onRemove: (key: string, p: Promise<T>) => void
= () => undefined
Using Partial<CacheConfig> it looks like:
new PromiseCache<string>(loader, {ttl: 1000, onRemove: (key) => console.log("removing", key)});
Single promise cache
In case you have a single value to cache, use singlePromiseCache factory.
// singlePromiseCache<T>(loader: () => Promise<T>, config?: Partial<CacheConfig<T>>): () => Promise<T>
const cache = singlePromiseCache(() => Promise.resolve("value"));
const value = await cache();
TTL Expiry
The default behavior is for values to remain in the cache for 'ttl' milliseconds since the last access. It is sometimes useful for cache expiry to be relative to when the cached value was first created (or last changed).
For this situation, set ttlAfter:"WRITE":
new PromiseCache<string>(loader, {ttl: 1000, ttlAfter:"WRITE"});
stats() returns statistics:
interface Stats {
readonly misses: number;
readonly hits: number;
readonly entries: number;
readonly failedLoads: number;
Set value
You can set a value directly
cache.set("key", "value");
expect(await cache.get("key")).to.eq("value");
Retry can by implemented by using ts-retry-promise
const loader = failsOneTime("value");
const cache = new PromiseCache<string>(() => retry(loader));
expect(await cache.get("key")).to.eq("value");