
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/goloveychuk/tsruntime.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/goloveychuk/tsruntime) [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/tsruntime.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tsruntime)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsRuntimeReflection from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-runtime-reflection';



Build Status npm version

Library for emitting metadata for classes, using latest customTransformers api.


  1. install 2.3.0+ typescript and 3.1.3+ awesome-typescript-laoder
  2. npm i tsruntime
  3. for now remove new CheckerPlugin(), since it fork Checker and it's impossibble to pass function as options. see https://github.com/s-panferov/awesome-typescript-loader/pull/423
  4. configure awesome-typescript-loader
const tsRuntimeTransformer = require('tsruntime/dist/transformer').default;
function getCustomTransformers() {
  return {
     before: [tsRuntimeTransformer()]
  loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader',
  options: {

Transformer Options

Configuration options can be passed to the transformer to change it's behavior. Supported options include:

  • decoratorNames: string[] - If a class has a decorator named in this list, then it will have tsruntime data attached. default: ['Reflective']

Options should be passed using an options object.

function getCustomTransformers() {
  return {
     before: [tsRuntimeTransformer({
        decoratorNames: ['CustomDecorator', 'Reflective']


  1. decorate classes you want to reflect with proper decorator
import {Reflective} from 'tsruntime';

export class StatsModel {
    a?: number
    b: string
    c: Array<string>
    d: number | string | null

class Foo extends Array<string> {


  1. get runtime class info:
import {Types, getType} from 'tsruntime';

const clsType = getType(Foo)
console.log(clsType.props, clsType.extends);
const dType = getType(StatsModel.prototype, "d")
  1. what info available - https://github.com/goloveychuk/tsruntime/blob/master/src/types.ts#L22

Example emitted output

var StatsModel = (function () {
    function StatsModel() {
    return StatsModel;
    Reflect.metadata("tsruntime:type", { kind: 7, types: [{ kind: 2 }, { kind: 5 }] })
], StatsModel.prototype, "a", void 0);
    Reflect.metadata("tsruntime:type", { kind: 1 })
], StatsModel.prototype, "b", void 0);
    Reflect.metadata("tsruntime:type", { kind: 6, type: Array, arguments: [{ kind: 1 }] })
], StatsModel.prototype, "c", void 0);
    Reflect.metadata("tsruntime:type", { kind: 7, types: [{ kind: 2 }, { kind: 1 }, { kind: 4 }] })
], StatsModel.prototype, "d", void 0);
StatsModel = __decorate([
    Reflect.metadata("tsruntime:type", { kind: 8, props: ["a", "b", "c", "d"] })
], StatsModel);

var Foo = (function (_super) {
    __extends(Foo, _super);
    function Foo() {
        return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
    return Foo;
Foo = __decorate([
    Reflect.metadata("tsruntime:type", { kind: 8, props: [], extends: { kind: 6, type: Array, arguments: [{ kind: 1 }] } })
], Foo);