A modern typescript version of whammy. You can use it to encode images(webp) to webm video.
ts-whammy only include the core function of whammy then with modern frontend technology stack.
Quick start
npm install ts-whammy -S
// for js
import tsWhammy from 'ts-whammy'
// for ts
// import tsWhammy from 'ts-whammy/src/libs'
// images can from: canvas.toDataURL(type, encoderOptions)
const images = ['....',
// fixed video's fpx
const blob = index.fromImageArray(images, 1)
// fixed video's duration(second)
const blob = index.fromImageArrayWithOptions(images, { duration: 5 })
console.log(blob.type, blob.size)
- record canvas frames to webm video
- node
- browser(support webp):
# test data
images info length(5),
total base64 size(157.37890625 kb),
total blob size(118.029296875 kb)
# MacBook Pro I7 2.2G
# node v10.13.0, benchmark
--- testFromImageArray ---
fromImageArray x 63.06 ops/sec ±2.74% (64 runs sampled)
# chrome 79, simple loop test
--- start test total count(100) ---
end test total count(100),
time(697 ms),
avg time(6.97 ms),
ops/sec (143.47202295552367),
webm size (118.1572265625 kb)
fromImageArray(images: string[], fps: number, outputAsArray?: boolean): Blob | Uint8Array
- images: An array contain image base64 strings, image type must be 'image/webp', see more:
- fps: FPS number, fps number can't be 0. (if you set it equal 0, it will be reset to default fps equal 1
- outputAsArray: Get an Unit8Array output, default output is Blob. In node environment, output always be Unit8Array
fromImageArrayWithOptions(images: string[], options: IFromImageArrayOptions = {}): Blob | Uint8Array
- images: Same as fromImageArray's images
- options:
- fps: Same as fromImageArray's fps
- duration(second): An value that set output video's duration. With it will adjust the video's fps value to make sure video have exact duration
- outputAsArray: Same as fromImageArray's outputAsArray
Feel free to contribute this project.