
Automated TS (MPEG Transport Stream) to MKV converter

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ts2mkv from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts2mkv';



ts2mkv is a small utility that converts transport streams (.ts files) that are recorded by, but not limited to, Ziggo Humax recorders to MKV files. It does this by wrapping ffmpeg, a video converting utitlty.


The goal is to provide a 40% (or thereabouts) size reduction of the recordings and the ability to cut and edit the video, since transport streams don't allow for easy editing without affecting the transport stream's integrity.

How it works

ts2mkv will scan the folder and choose a .ts file to start converting. It'll place a .lock file to indicate that it is busy, so any other instances of the program won't interfere; instances that are running on other computers for example.


Usage is easy: configure ts2kv using a config file, name the file config.js (required) and specify options like this:


This file gets parsed and merged with de defaults configuration.

Then just start ts2mkv like this:

node index.js

Default configuration

var config  = {
    encoder    : "libx264",
    remove     : true,
    locktimeout: 24*3600,
    bitrate    : "8000k",
    dirs       : []


encoder (string)

This is the encoder that is used by ffmpeg. To find out what encoders are available on your system, run ffmpeg -codecs.

remove (boolean)

Specifies if the source file (.ts file) will be removed after completed conversion. true means remove after complete, false leaves the source file intact.

locktimeout (integer)

This option specifies the time (in seconds) that a lock is valid. If the time at which the file was locked is longer than locktimeout seconds ago, the lock is lifted (file deleted).

bitrate (string or integer)

An string or integer describing the amount of bits a second (5000k or 5000000 for 5000kb/s). 8 Mb/s is default.

dirs (array of string)

An array of directories that will have their .ts files converted


  • Monitoring of directories, so new files automatically get converted...