Typesafe pattern matching emulation for TypeScript and JavaScript.
Syntax example:
class Whisky {
constructor(public brand:string, public age:number, public origin:string, public price:number) {}
const dalwhinnie = new Whisky('Dalwhinnie', 15, 'Highlands', 32);
var result = match<Whisky, string>(dalwhinnie)
.caseOf(w => w.age > 24 && w.age <= 40, () => 'Epic!')
.caseOf(w => w.age > 14 && w.age <= 24, () => 'Great')
.caseOf(({brand,age}) => age > 9 && age <= 14, () => 'Neat') // Destructuring
.caseOf(w => w.age <= 9, () => 'Meh...')
._( _ => 'Legendary!') // Wildcard
If no wildcard value is provided and no match is provided MatchError is thrown. More examples are available in mocha.js testsuite (see below).
You need node.js. Clone repository and then:
$ cd TsPatternMatching && npm install && gulp
Navigate to 'test/bin' and open index.html to see mocha tests.