
TypeScript project file specification + implementation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsproj from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tsproj';



Build Status

A specification for a file format + Parser Implementation for specifying TypeScript projects


Configuration file format

Specify the project configuration in a tsproj.yml file in the root of your project. The structure will be specified using the interface TypeScriptProjectRootSpecification:

interface TypeScriptProjectSpecification {
    sources?: string[];         // An array of 'minimatch` patterns to specify source files  
    target?: string;            // 'es3'|'es5'
    module?: string;            // 'amd'|'commonjs'

    declaration?: boolean;      // Generates corresponding `.d.ts` file
    out?: string;               // Concatenate and emit a single file
    outDir?: string;            // Redirect output structure to this directory

    noImplicitAny?: boolean;    // Error on inferred `any` type
    removeComments?: boolean;   // Do not emit comments in output

    sourceMap?: boolean;        // Generates SourceMaps (.map files)
    sourceRoot?: string;        // Optionally specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript source files after deployment
    mapRoot?: string;           // Optionally Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files after deployment

// Main configuration
interface TypeScriptProjectsRootSpecification extends TypeScriptProjectSpecification {
    defaults?: TypeScriptProjectSpecification;
    projects: {
        [projectName: string]: TypeScriptProjectSpecification;

Note: all strings are case insensitive.
Note: defaults are not required and should not participate in compilation.
Note: If you don't have projects then your configuration is invalid.
Note: any default property can be overridden by individual projects.

Please see the valid projects folder : https://github.com/TypeStrong/tsproj/tree/master/testprojects/valid

Public API

See tsproj.d.ts. API exists for querying the projects file, querying the projects relevant for single TypeScript file and creating a new projects file.


Please open issues for discussion.



https://github.com/fdecampredon/brackets-typescript and grunt configurations.

Differences: removed the confusion around "target vs. task" options in grunt (here all options are overridable) and root sources in brackets-ts (here defaults are called defaults, do not participate in compilation and serve only to seed properties including sources to various projects).


So that you can comment your project file for the next dev.