
Angular Material Desgin Table Component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ttMdEnhancedTable from '';



Add module:

    angular.module('app', [

Include file:


Required dependencies

  • Angular 1.5.2
  • Angular Material 1.0.2

About Adding your translation

Inside library, use {{ value | translate }} to get the translations.

If you do NOT need translation, you can just pass the string you want to display. If you do need translation, you can pass in the json path as when you use angular translation libaray.

For Example:

 "title": {
    "greeting": "Hello!"
<ttmd-table toolbar="{title: 'title.greeting'}"></ttmd-table>

Add missing translations:

In mobile view, there are two buttons needs your provide translations for other languages:

  "util": {
    "previous": "",
    "next": "",
    "noData": ""

Default value for those are:

  "util": {
    "previous": "Previous",
    "next": "Next",
    "noData": "There is not Data"


Desktop view and mobile view

The default breakpoint is 'xs', able to pass breakpoint bindings to the component

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" breakpoint="sm"></ttmd-enhanced-table>

Force Mobile View

If there is a case you only want to display mobile view, pass in force-mobile:

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" force-mobile="true"></ttmd-enhanced-table>


If you need to display multi-tables in a page and there is one large object holds all the data, you might consider use type It can help to change the talbe data inside that large object.

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.accounts.dueDate" headers="vm.headers" type="dueSoon"></ttmd-enhanced-table>

The type you pass in , will be the listType inside js:

        this.SomeService.fetchDataAccordingPagination(limit, offset)
            .then((res) => {
                    this.accounts[listType] = [


To display the toolbar for the table, passing tooblar attr. Which is an object contains title and icon: Here icon is Material font icon.

sub will show on the right side to display information

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" toolbar="{
   title="Due Date"


To enable pagination, need to pass in total-number to tell how many items in total. You can passing the callback function to on-page-change, it will push your a payload object with limit, offset, listType.

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" total-number="vm.totalNumber" on-page-change="vm.fetchData(payload)"></ttmd-enhanced-table>

Sort and filter

Able to sort and 'fitler' data according to the attr.

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" dataitemkeys="vm.dataitemkeys" filtericon="filtericon"></ttmd-enhanced-table>


If there is any attr inside the data you don't want to display on the interface, you can use exclude:

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" exclude="['id']"></ttmd-enhanced-table>


You can use Angular built-in filter such as date & currency by adding pipies to format the field:

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" pipes="vm.pipes"></ttmd-enhanced-table>
this.pipes = {
    currency: {
        targets: ['amount', 'amountWithOutTax'],
        foramt: '

 // default $, optional
    date: {
        tragets: ['dueDate'],
        format: 'mm-DD-yyyy'

Highlight Row

You can highlight row by adding highlight-row to the html:

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" highlight-row="vm.someFn"></ttmd-enhanced-table>

It takes function:

//Item is sent back with callback
const someFn = (item) => {
    return fn(item.someAttr); // parsing some logic

Change the limits

By default, desktop view show 8 pre-page, mobile view shows 3 pre-page, you can config this for each table:

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" limits="{desktop: 5, mobile: 4}"></ttmd-enhanced-table>


By default accordion will not be shown. You can enable accordion globally for all tables or individual one. To do that you need to pass enable-accordion=true & accordion-state=boolean.

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="vm.items" headers="vm.headers" enable-accordion=true accordion-state=true"></ttmd-enhanced-table>

accordion-state=boolean will show the content.


Besides displaying data, you can pass in action. By default, action will be shown as a button

                                    title: 'paymentComponent.allPendingBills',
                                    icon: 'account_circle'

Text or Button ?

If there is a case you want to display as a button based on prop something is true, and just display normal text if something is false.

            <!-- Button -->
            <!-- Text -->

If want to use custom directive, from v1.0.6, it is possible by doing:

            <!-- Button -->
              <your_directive your-bindings/>

Mark show-as as directive Then pass <your_directive your-bindings/>. Currently this is just work around. Will update in v1.1.0 to support fully custom directive.

Row Detail

If you want to display more detail information when click the row, you can add <ttmd-detail> to the code, inside <ttmd-detail>, passing the directive you want to display. Also add on-row-click to the <ttmd-table>

            <your_directive your_binding="vm.someData"></your_directive>

Inside someFn() function, it will return someData for your_directive to display.

            .then( (res) => {
                this.someData = res;

No Data Message

Able to pass no-data-text to display the text when there is empty items array. Also able to config this in global config.

<ttmd-enhanced-table items="[]" headers="vm.headers" no-data-text="There is no data"></ttmd-enhanced-table>

There is default value set as:

translate="util.noData" transalte-default="There is no Data"

Global Config

It is possible to config for all the tables inside application. To do that, go to the ngModule.config(), inject ttmdTableProvider:

ngModule.config( (ttmdTableProvider) => {
        limits: {desktop: 7, mobile: 4},
        breakpoint: 'sm',
        message: {
            noData: "Empty result" // or with Angular-translate: ''
        enableAccordion: true

Default Config value

const _defaultConfigs = {
         forceMobile: false,
         breakpoint: 'xs',
         limits: {
             desktop: 8,
             mobile: 3
         message: {
             noData: null
         enableAccordion: false

Data Structure

items: Array[Object] (required)

      "serviceCode": "1-260-865-6252 x638",
      "username": "Milton Mraz",
      "amount": "8.03",
      "dueDate": "2016-05-20T05:15:02.719Z"
      "serviceCode": "1-965-662-5118",
      "username": "Alessandro Kassulke",
      "amount": "8.61",
      "dueDate": "2016-06-25T19:15:02.720Z"

headers: Array (optional)

// Using angular-translate inside the table component, so you need to give the path to find your value
vm.headers =[

dataitemkeys: Array (bind with headers)

vm.dataitemkeys =[

filtericon: String (Filter icon (material-icons) for header)

total-number: number (required if need pagination)

on-page-change: function (required if need pagination)

force-mobile: boolean (optional)

breakpoint: ['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg'] (optional)

limits: Object (optional)

vm.limits = {
    desktop: 3,
    mobile: 3,

sort: Array[string] (optional)

exclude: Array[string] (optional)

toolbar: Object (optional)

 vm.toolbar = {
    title: this.$translate.instant(''),
    icon: 'string'

pipes: Object

vm.pipes = {
    targets: [],
    foramt: string

highlight-row: function

type: string (attr on the object) (optional)

show-as: string

Default: 'button' Available value: 'button', 'text'

if: string: expression

Use the attr on the each object

if= "someAttr > 3"; // if someAttr = 5, then action doesn't show, if someAttr = 2, then action will show

no-data-text: string (optional)