
a cross-platform tts(text to speach) player

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ttsPlayer from '';


tts player


a fast, simple, and cross-platform solution for play tts


npm i tts-player
yarn add tts-player


  • init tts, for ios compatibility, please call tts.init() on a user interaction callback like onclick, normally, the ttsSampleRate is 8000 or 16000
import TTS from 'tts-player';
const tts = new TTS();

    ttsSampleRate: 8000

  • cache tts chunks, the ttsChunk must be pcm buffer which encoded with base64, normally, we get ttsChunk from other server, and in most cases, the ttsChunk is base64 encode for transportation comfortability
// the caching may take a while before it's ready to play
const ws = new WebSocket();
ws.onmessage = (data) => {
    if (typeof data === 'string') {
        const { ttsChunk, textId } = JSON.parse(data);
        tts.add(ttsChunk, textId);
  • play 1 sentence, the return value should be a duration if tts is ready
const playTTSDuration = tts.play1Sentence(textId);
if (!playTTSDuration) throw new Error('tts is not ready !');
console.log(playTTSDuration); // 3.2
  • stop play 1 sentence