
Get string's real length on ternimal.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ttyTextSize from '';



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Get string's real length on ternimal.


var ttyTextSize = require('tty-text-size');

ttyTextSize('en中国'); // => 6
ttyTextSize(['a', '中']); // => [1, 2]

ttyTextSize('♡'); // => 1  # ♡ is a East Asian Ambiguous Character
ttyTextSize('♡', {ambsize: 2}); // => 2


  • Not support \t, \n, \v, \f, \r, because its size is not predictable.

Test result

    Basic Latin
      ✓ should has size 1
      ✓ should throw when get size of \t, \n, \v, \f, \r
    CJK Unified Ideographs
      ✓ should has size 2
    East Asian Ambiguous Character
      ✓ should has size 1 when not enable `ambsize`
      ✓ should has size 2 when enable `ambsize`
    Astral Symbols
      ✓ should has size 1
    Combining Marks
      ✓ should has size 0
    Support Arguments
      ✓ should support long text
      ✓ should support code point argument
      ✓ should support array argument
      ✓ should throws when argument is not number, string or array of number or string


  1. 装饰符号 e.g: n\u0303 => ñ

像这种由两个字符组成的字符串的长度只有 1,其中 \u0303 只是装饰符号,它的长度是 0。

在英文里叫它 Combining Marks

  1. Astral Symbols e.g: \uD83D\uDCA9 => 💩

JS 表示 x0000 - xFFFF 之前的字符只需要使用一个字节就行,但 Unicode 总共有 x10FFFF 个字符, 所以要表示超过了 xFFFF 的字符,在 ES5 之前就采用了 Surrogate Pairs 的表示法, 而它会导致你在用 string.length 时得到 2,而它实际只是一个字符而已。

所以在 ES6 中可以采用 \u{1F4A9} 这种统一的写法


  1. 东亚模糊字体 \u2661 => ♡

英文里叫它 East Asian Ambiguous Character Width

每个终端上都可以配置 ”是否将此类字体设置成 Double 宽度“,所以此类字体在不同的终端上宽度可能也会不一样。
