
The only adorable CouchDB CLI tool

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tuffet from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tuffet';



The only adorable CouchDB CLI! The full couchdb API is supported along with some helpful extensions.

why tuffet?

You can only curl CouchDB so much to get things done. curling doesn't generally offer good type-ability. The CouchDB API, though powerful, doesn't on its own get a ton of work done for you. Generally, you need to execute a set of composite commands to do some useful things! tuffet is designed to be a typing-friendly CouchDB proxy-API with a set of extensions that you may find helpful. You can see some examples below to sell yourself :).

why can't I import this as a module?

Because Pouchy and plain ol' PouchDB already exist. They're great!



npm install -g tuffet


Running tuffet will put a config in ~/.tuffetrc with some defaults. The content should be of type JSON.

  • url
    • Defaults to pointing to remote couchdb @ localhost:5984.


Again, the full couchdb API is loaded in. BONUS actions can be found below. For now, let's observe some basic commands.

$ tuffet get /
{ couchdb: 'Welcome',
  uuid: '0df364afbe336fcee34f25422da9798f',
  version: '1.6.1',
  vendor: { version: '1.6.1_3', name: 'Homebrew' } }

$ tuffet put my-new-db
{ ok: true }

$ tuffet get my-new-db
{ db_name: 'my-new-db',
  doc_count: 0,
  doc_del_count: 0,
  update_seq: 0,
  purge_seq: 0,
  compact_running: false,
  disk_size: 79,
  data_size: 0,
  instance_start_time: '1444289527569114',
  disk_format_version: 6,
  committed_update_seq: 0 }

$ tuffet post my-new-db '{"new": "doc!"}'
{ ok: true,
  id: '2fd98bdae478273f418a1d6c4f000f97',
  rev: '1-ac0f4654ecb99532dd8967dda8190ccb' }


  • -v/--verbose - increase the log level (console only ATM)

sugar api

clear database

--clear Note, the history of these docs still exists. This isn't the same as deleting the db and recreating it. E.g. tombstones left behind! Also, this clears design docs. PR me to preserve them :) Dependent Pouchy package requires an update to support it.

cdieringer@Snapper-osx:~/node/tuffet$ tuffet mydb --clear
1 'docs deleted'

delete all databases


cdieringer@Snapper-osx:~/node/tuffet$ tuffet --dd
2 'dbs deleted'


  • match endpoint to formal couchdb endpoint
    • if no matching sig, test components for aliases
    • if no aliases, error
      • unless -f/--force supplied - exec HTTP request with params even if command not member of formal API
  • write tests
  • test ANY and binary endpoint(s)


  • 1.1.0 - add clear
  • 1.0.0 - Migrate from deebee. terribly boring name :) You can have it if you want it. Just ask!