
Download photos from Tumblr

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tumblrip from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tumblrip';



NPM Version NPM Downloads Dependency Status devDependency Status

Welcome Tumblr user ! I have longed search for a decent tool to backup/rip photos from my favorites blogs and found no application to handle this nicely.

TumblrRipper exists on Windows. This tool aims to provide similar functionality for command line fellows.


As usual with NodeJS and NPM:

# npm i tumblrip -g


tumblrip 1.0.9
usage: tumblrip [options] blogname [destination]

http://<blogname>.tumblr.com/ will have photos retrieved to destination.
If a `destination` is supplied and the path does not exist, it will be created.
If no destination set, current directory is assumed.

  --version [-v]            : display version/build
  --help [-h]               : this help
  --delay [-d]              : add a delay (in ms) between requests
                            : (default: 500, empty: random)
  --debug [-D]              : enable more debug output (default: false)
  --cache [-c]              : enable/disable cache (default: true)
  --check [-C]              : enforce additional consistency checks (slower) (default: false)
  --force [-f]              : force overwrite if file exists (default: false)
  --limit [-l]              : download that many pictures (default: unlimited)
  --retries [-r]            : number of retries before giving up (default: 3)
  --threads [-t]            : maximum simultaneous connections to tumblr.com
                            : (default: 5)
  --retry-factor [-rf]      : if throttling, multiply delay by this factor
                            : (default: 2)
  --refresh-db [-rd]        : update database (default: false)
  --refresh-photos [-rp]    : update photos (default: false)
  --startAt [-s]            : start at a specific index in the posts database
                            : (default: 0)


The first Q.Promise-based Tumblr download tool I know of ! It shows different uses of Promise API.




  • Bug fixing
  • Add full Tumblr backup capability (video, other, ???)
  • Shrink database

Feedback/PR are of course most welcomed !

Enjoy :smile: