
it grows

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tumor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tumor';



tumor is a tool for working with many interlinked npm projects all at once. npm link mostly works, but it's missing an easy setup step that clones and links all the relevant projects.

there are other tools for working with multiple git repositories at once, but this one knows to work only on the repositories relevant to the task at hand.

install it: npm install -g tumor.

then in your messy, interlinked projects: tumor link, tumor exec git pull, tumor exec git push, etc.

intellij users can exclude their module directories with tumor intellij.

tumor exec is awfully wordy, so it's aliased to te.

tumor tries to be smart about which projects should be linked, but you can override its decisions with a .tumorrc file placed at the root of your workspace.
