
An unofficial Turf function for calculating the polygon diameter of a Feature.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import turfDiameter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/turf-diameter';



An unofficial Turf module for calculating the polygon diameter of a Feature or FeatureCollection.


Table of Contents


Returns the counter-clockwise angle between { coords[a], coords[a + 1] } to { coords[b], coords[b + 1] }


Returns Number counter-clockwise angle between 0 and 2 * pi


Takes a Feature or FeatureCollection and returns the polygon diameter.

Internally, this uses the rotating calipers method and pseudocode described here. The concepts from the article are based off of the following paper: Shamos, Michael (1978). "Computational Geometry" (PDF). Yale University. pp. 76–81.

The rotating calipers method requires a convex hull so we use mapbox's concaveman, which runs in O(n * log n) time as stated here.

The algorithm in the paper runs in about O(n) time, making this entire algorithm run in O(n) + O(n * log n) = O(n * log n) time.


  • geojson GeoJSON input Feature or FeatureCollection


const points = turf.featureCollection([
  turf.point([10.195312, 43.755225]),
  turf.point([10.404052, 43.8424511]),
  turf.point([10.579833, 43.659924]),
  turf.point([10.360107, 43.516688]),
  turf.point([10.14038, 43.588348]),
  turf.point([10.195312, 43.755225])

const len = diameter(points);

Returns Number the polygon diameter of the GeoJSON