Check if a tweet matches a twitter filter. Since the Twitter API allows you only one or a couple connections from on IP at a time, tracking multiple queries to the streaming API at once requires some processing on your end.
This module implements the key part of that post-processing: checking whether a
tweet matches a given value for the track
parameter of the Twitter streaming
API. Twitter's documentation for this parameter is here, and I've backed it up here.
var tweetMatches = require('tweet-matches');
var track = 'foo,bar bAZ , what is ';
var compiled = tweetMatches.compile(track);
tweetMatches({ text: 'foo' }, compiled); // true
tweetMatches({ text: 'some bAZ and some barrrr' }, compiled); // true
tweetMatches({ text: 'something else what' }, compiled); // false
text: 'bAZ',
quoted_status: {
entities: {
media: [ { display_url: '' } ]
}, compiled); // true
With Twit
This module is best used to consume tweet objects from twit.
var track = 'anything, as usual';
var stream ='statuses/filter', { track: track }
var compiled = tweetMatches.compile(track);
stream.on('tweet', function(tweet) {
tweetMatches(tweet, compiled); // true
Use test.js
to test against the live twitter API. This module intends to
implement exactly the logic that Twitter uses to decide which tweets to send to
, so this test just compares our output to theirs.
$ node test.js 'value,for the,track parameter'
Matched 1 tweets
Matched 2 tweets
Matched 3 tweets
Of course if tweetMatches
decides it's a match when it shouldn't, this won't
tell you.
Related projects
- twitter-stream-channels is intended to solve the same problem
- twitter-search-terms